Request for Intercession


  • Prayer

    Request for Intercession

    Request For Intercession


    There exists someone in the world tonight

                who thinks that dreaming is for fools.

    Relying on self-will, not God’s might;

                to see manifest His light.


    Concern for the circumstances

                unchangeable by human hand.

    Unable to reconcile the nuances

                of His power throughout the land.


    Praying only to be seen,

                not soulless, nor for pity to glean.

    For a worth that that is fulfilling,

                and compensated for due schilling.


     Pressing on with all faith,

                that He will guide the way,

    to a glory only glimpsed;

                in a private moment of prayer.

    But, infected by reality,

                the promise doth diminish,

    and cause a return to promises;

                until it is finished.

    1710743pm ©JeanMarie

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    dahlusion commented on Request for Intercession


    "Pressing on with all faith, that He will guide the way—yes, yes, lets him guide your way, for with out him, you are lost. Sweet. Nice rhymes, a poetic pearl. Bravo



    Thank you for your kind words - they are always appreciated. I am simply awashed.

    RHPeat commented on Request for Intercession


    Jean/ I find the intent very interesting. But the presentation a bit weak. the word "His" though capped is confusing in the subject of "someone in the world tonight". If you do mean God, why not just say God. Then in the line of S3L11 "that that" makes that line a bit obtuse for understanding. And in the last stanza we find the pronoun "He." Also capped but really not definitive in the subject of the first stanza "that someone within the world". So the line confuses the presentation. It sounds like a conclusion is given in the first stanza that should be reached in the closure of the poem. Or maybe should be reached as the epiphany of the poem. Not written at all, but reached through the understanding of the poem. Any obstruction to contextual flow will always hurt the rhythm of the poem. And that is what I see and feel here. I do however feel the intent within the poem is sincere and well felt, but the drive behind the form slips a bit. That the contextual circumstance is lost some by not being more definitive in its assessments. A poet friend// RH Peat



    'someone in the world tonight' is not God. 'that that' was a typo. Thanks for your critique.



    That was my point. The problem with pronouns it that they can distort information at times. The further they are from the noun that they refer to— the more distortion there is when speaking of more than one person or thing within a poem. And generally the subject of the poem is presented in the opening of the poem since that's the intro, just like paragraphs have topic sentences. and in the first stanza you form the subject of the poem as "someone" the first character introduced in the poem. That's why I suggested that maybe that should come later in the poem. If God is going to be the subject maybe he should be in the first stanza of the poem. Just a thought. A poet friend// RH Peat

    StandingBear commented on Request for Intercession


    A well written work you've penned. "Praying only to be seen, not soulless, nor for pity to glean". Great lines, great write!



    It's been a long wait to acknowledge your comment to be sure, but thank you none the less. ;)

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

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