I Pray


Poem Commentary

Just thinking about the real reasons I put up with all the new challenges at my new work a day life, why I am unable to commit as much time to poetry, and then, understanding that this is just how my voice comes through. Not trying to be haughty, just love the way the words flow and soften the sentiment.

I Pray

In the morning, I pray.

In the evening, sometimes I forget.

I forget that I have to pray for different things in the morning,

     then I do in the night.

In the morning, I pray.

I pray that whatever dreams and hopes

I slept on, be put into their proper place:

in the night. 

I pray that whatever comes my way will be

dealt with grace, played with mercy,

     and are presented with understanding;

their true import in my life.

I pray that my heart is right,

and that I remember that it’s not about me.

And all at once, my mind is free for whatever will come.


In the night I forget.

I forget that I no longer have to do.

That I just have to be.

In the night the dreams come and I want to do

the next thing, the dreamy thing that

     I believe will fill my soul.

And then, I am reminded that

     dreams are for dreamers;

and that the best dreams are lived

    in the day to day; get through the work day

kind of lives that bring true peace.


I pray to live not just for my dreams

    but, in the same breath,

know that they are extremely selfish.

Because the dreams I dream are not just for me,

     they are for mine.

I am reminded that at the core of my dreams is: us, then me.  And if the two shall meet, we are blessed.  Forgiveness for infirmities, bad decisions and hardened hearts is something all of us desire.  When a child learns this need may come for them, they are more willing to give it.  Mine have and I am blessed.


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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life's Pace 1
When Words Fail.... 1
For His Glory....a prose piece. 1
My Place...today 0
Just a thought... 1
I Pray 0
Sufficient Fear 1
Purposed to Love 0
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Word 0
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For the Fall 5
Gratitude 3
Surfer Dude 26
Cave 16
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I saw your face 4
Request for Intercession 3
Until My Dying Day 11
No Glory Here 5
Day Is Done 6
Immersion of Self 4
Returning 4
My Children's Mother 6
Fortunate Circumstance 2
Sentiment for a Daughter 4
Untitled Conversation 4
Alone With God 6
Still Waters 7
The Soldiers Prayer 4
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