

  • Life
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  • Family

    Poem Commentary

    Sometimes, this is the only place I feel at home. Where all that I am comes together in one place because I can bare all of myself here. I lost a very dear friend nearly a year ago, and I miss the peace I felt just being in her presence. Being here feels like much the same to me. So, if you haven't heard it from me before, in pm's or in the chats, here it is... I am so very grateful for this site, you are all and each and every one of you and this place... my forever friends.


    To know my place

    I look at my employer, and applaud her accomplishments.

    She has accomplished what I could not. 

    But I see that she lacks in certain areas of wisdom.

    I will continue with conducting my assigned tasks with integrity.

    I look at my eldest sister, and want to applaud her for standing up for herself.

    She has taken steps forward, but faces a major step backwards.

    I will continue to be a light in her life to the best of my ability.

    I look at my younger sister, and want to applaud her for taking steps to find peace in her life.

    I will continue to unabashedly have joy in my life, in order to be the light in hers.

    My children, both so different, yet so alike.

    I will continue to feed on their successes and praise them for their worth not yet known. 

    They are my manna and I will feed them.

    They are my legacy and I will stand tall in front of them.

    I will rest in peace with my God tonight, for all these things are now known.

    © 13141003pJeanMarie

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Life's Pace 1
    When Words Fail.... 1
    For His Glory....a prose piece. 1
    My 0
    Just a thought... 1
    I Pray 0
    Sufficient Fear 1
    Purposed to Love 0
    Grace 0
    Mother 0
    Illegitimate Child 0
    Word 0
    Facebook Fetish 0
    When the Ancients Love... 0
    Going Home 0
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    Never Ending... 1
    For J. C. P. (13y) 2
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    This Battle is .... (2) 7
    Look Up.. 3
    boredom 2
    Angels 2
    Christmas Musings 6
    Letters, Artwork and Inspiration 4
    The Vanished 8
    What more to say... 6
    For the Fall 5
    Gratitude 3
    Surfer Dude 26
    Cave 16
    Glorious, Wonderful.... 4
    So far, Untitled 4
    Love, Leave me alone 6
    I saw your face 4
    Request for Intercession 3
    Until My Dying Day 11
    No Glory Here 5
    Day Is Done 6
    Immersion of Self 4
    Returning 4
    My Children's Mother 6
    Fortunate Circumstance 2
    Sentiment for a Daughter 4
    Untitled Conversation 4
    Alone With God 6
    Still Waters 7
    The Soldiers Prayer 4
    Slip Away From the Darkness 4