Sufficient Fear


  • Life
  • ,
  • Death
  • ,
  • Family

    Poem Commentary

    With a looming birthday, I can't help but recall how many times I've recalled the horrors of a government shutdown threatening my joy. So, naturally, I had to think of a worse fate and found a few to fancy my mind...namely: Salt mine collapse in Louisiana swallowing earth like there's no tomorrow, Comet Ison or Planet Nirubu or planet X...whatever you want to call it...raining down who knows what? from space! Then, there's always the ever faithful alien conspiracy. So, I indulged my mind in a bit of that as well. But, tomorrow I will be spending time with family and so, a shift of focus was in order. But, by allowing my imagination to embrace any number of fearful ends it only fuels my gratitude for the time I have with them. Just remember to come back to earth!

    Sufficient Fear

    Sufficient Fear

    Fear does not serve me during my work-a-day life;

                    Yet, I eat readily at its buffet at night.

    ‘Til I am sated enough to know...

                    what should stay, what will go.

    It takes me on a ride beyond my reality

                    to imagining horrors beyond.


    My imagination rides the ride,

                    and I ride it willingly

    so that, when I land safely, I see

                    all that is important to Thee.



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    StandingBear commented on Sufficient Fear


    Beautifully written, relating much more than is initially read. Yes, Family....the one true, important aspect of anyone's life! Enjoying companionship with your family, especially on your birthday! Happy Birthday dear Lady! Thank you for sharing your most interesting poetry.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

    Title Comments
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