What more to say...


Poem Commentary

This, is as is most of my work, a transitory (or not) piece. I Don't profess (nor expect) any particular outcome , other than it be read as my peers will understand it as same.... The mind travels in this piece from an ex to the potential next...

What more to say...

I am no angel

            I have pain of my own.

Shackles of truth;

            seek to bind me forever.

To the private heaven and hell

            We lived.

But still, forever my muse.


I stated this fact once before

            But, I’ve come to realize

Love is my muse

            And since we had none

(a thought I abhor)

            Becomes the reality I explore.


Innocence is irreplaceable

            By anything but time

And hours spent together

            Are combined

Into a life invested in each other

            That expands to lives of others


So, here we are at another threshold

            Of wonderment and awe

Can we really make it happen

            In spite of it all?

Another year older,

            Still more challenges to face

If only you weren’t a causation

            Or so, as my mind would embrace


But, I want to live in a place

            That is clean and eat

Good meals and drive

            A car that is reliable

And have a place to go

            Where my talents are appreciated.


I want to have work that is sufficient

            And dreams that are attainable.

I want to be level headed in matters of finance

            And enjoy excessive love-making.

I do not want to worry about children


Nor do I care about your ex-wives;

            They have gotten on

I want to do so, too.


If you can promise all of these things,

            I just might be able to love you.


I am no angel, as you can see.

            My demands are that you

Consider only me. 


Children should not be our salvation

            We should be theirs.

So, until you have resolved some certain conflagrations,

            Our love remains

                        …in airs.


© jmg10/29/10



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Chaos128 commented on What more to say...


You make very compelling points, and express them with singular style. My question would be this: Can innocence be maintained without naivete? And when naivete is dispelled, does not innocence become an unavoidable casualty due to collateral damage?



Thank you. It's really not for me to say.

Mayuna commented on What more to say...


With all of life's changes I've found that love is always up in the air. You look at a person and ask yourself, 'what is it that keeps me here with you?' I have still yet to find the answer to that ever perplexing question. This poem really has me thinking now and for five thirty in the morning that is an amazing feat.



Not a bad way to spend an entire day, either! Glad you took the time to read!

blackfootlady commented on What more to say...


Thank you for sharing this with Me,You like talking threw things alot I see...I barely made My way to the end,lol! Very Nice write,New Friend.God Bless -Black



It is my delight to be your op friend! Thanks for stopping by!

Hiporlacking commented on What more to say...


The poem is self explanatory. So few truly know what they want...I'm in a bit of a rush right now...but I dug this. Just thought I'd say something.



Thank you for taking the time! Many returns!

JadedJezzabel commented on What more to say...


this is a well written epic explaing your needs in relationship and life is simple well flowing verse......impressive



I thank you for your kind words. Many returns.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life's Pace 1
When Words Fail.... 1
For His Glory....a prose piece. 1
My Place...today 0
Just a thought... 1
I Pray 0
Sufficient Fear 1
Purposed to Love 0
Grace 0
Mother 0
Illegitimate Child 0
Word 0
Facebook Fetish 0
When the Ancients Love... 0
Going Home 0
Heaven is Waiting 2
Never Ending... 1
For J. C. P. (13y) 2
Fly Away 6
This Battle is .... (2) 7
Look Up.. 3
boredom 2
Angels 2
Christmas Musings 6
Letters, Artwork and Inspiration 4
The Vanished 8
What more to say... 6
For the Fall 5
Gratitude 3
Surfer Dude 26
Cave 16
Glorious, Wonderful.... 4
So far, Untitled 4
Love, Leave me alone 6
I saw your face 4
Request for Intercession 3
Until My Dying Day 11
No Glory Here 5
Day Is Done 6
Immersion of Self 4
Returning 4
My Children's Mother 6
Fortunate Circumstance 2
Sentiment for a Daughter 4
Untitled Conversation 4
Alone With God 6
Still Waters 7
The Soldiers Prayer 4
Slip Away From the Darkness 4