Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


Poem Commentary

Thought I would take up the OP/FB challenge.

Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


The notes I write to myself

Create visions in my mind

I hear them, put them on the shelf

Til’ the next, gentler time


Though written to ward off perspiration

At later date, become inspiration

And light the path where I have been

Then beckon me to the place I am going


The art, a work in progress always;

Not until a thousand years completed.

Even if worked on all my days,

or at the right hand I am seated;


I pray will be taken off the shelf

And create visions in your mind

Hear them, put them on the shelf

Then let them be your sublime


Read them through your conflagrations

To quench your thirst for knowing

They will show you the path we are on

And where the crossroads are going


Menageries, collages will always collide

With the art you think you see

But take a look anyway

Be still, be still

            Be still and just be.


120210343p © JeanMarie

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Luwonda commented on Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


Very good poem! Thank you for the written artwork because I like the idea of the vision of the imaginaion of the mind.



I'm glad you enjoyed!

StandingBear commented on Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


JeanMarie, such a pleasant work you've created, responding to the OP/FB challenge. Excellently written and most entertaining! Bear



I'm glad you enjoyed! Christmas greetings coming your way! Good catch!

Olan01 commented on Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


Ain't that the truth, write or sweat to death, smile. Some how or some way it has to emerge and blosom or whither away in the recesses of our mind.



Thank you for taking the time to read!

Chaos128 commented on Letters, Artwork and Inspiration


"The art, a work in progress always;/ Not until a thousand years completed. / Even if worked on all my days, / or at the right hand I am seated;" My favorite stanza of an excellent piece. The idea of a work of art that takes a lifetime to complete, is an entirely unique and original one.



Thank you. Many Returns

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

Title Comments
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When Words Fail.... 1
For His Glory....a prose piece. 1
My Place...today 0
Just a thought... 1
I Pray 0
Sufficient Fear 1
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Mother 0
Illegitimate Child 0
Word 0
Facebook Fetish 0
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Never Ending... 1
For J. C. P. (13y) 2
Fly Away 6
This Battle is .... (2) 7
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boredom 2
Angels 2
Christmas Musings 6
Letters, Artwork and Inspiration 4
The Vanished 8
What more to say... 6
For the Fall 5
Gratitude 3
Surfer Dude 26
Cave 16
Glorious, Wonderful.... 4
So far, Untitled 4
Love, Leave me alone 6
I saw your face 4
Request for Intercession 3
Until My Dying Day 11
No Glory Here 5
Day Is Done 6
Immersion of Self 4
Returning 4
My Children's Mother 6
Fortunate Circumstance 2
Sentiment for a Daughter 4
Untitled Conversation 4
Alone With God 6
Still Waters 7
The Soldiers Prayer 4
Slip Away From the Darkness 4