Fly Away


  • Love

    Fly Away

    I release you into the air

                And yet

    You linger for a while

    Longing to leave your impression


    I declare you must fly away

                And find

    Where your happiness lives

    Leaving me to find my own


    You have flown away

                To find

    The happiness you deserve

    Leaving me to discover my own


    511101005PJean Marie


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    Insideme commented on Fly Away


    I really do like this one. It sounds as if you are speaking of a butterfly or wing mended bird on the surface but it also conveys the reality beyond. To me that reality is that we must sometimes set the things we love free whether it be another person, place or thing but most importantly I think it is speaking about setting yourself free from what weights your souls wings. This has touched parts of me that I have been dealing with lately and I agree it is something you must do over and over....



    I'm happy to hear these words resonated with you, and wish you well on your journey.

    sanctus commented on Fly Away


    Right to the point. nicely constructed..............



    Thank you.

    RKCHOWDARY11 commented on Fly Away


    simple, sweet and awesome poem with nice feeling and good meaning. keep it up.



    Thank you for your kind comment.

    alb29oclfl commented on Fly Away


    I have found with in myself, that letting go is the hardest of all steps to take, a wonderful write



    It is a constant process...and thank you

    andy2103 commented on Fly Away


    Short and sweet. An optimistic view on break-ups. I dig it ;)



    It took a long time...:)

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

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