For the Fall


  • Life
  • ,
  • Nature

    Poem Commentary

    Fall is usually a time of renewal for me. This year, it seems to have come later than usual. I am happy to say that it has arrived and I plan to allow what is dead be fertile for new growth.

    For the Fall

    We are, at times frustrated with not performing at peak

                Or all at once decidedly resentful of striving for same

    Then all at once at the snap of a finger, it seems

                We jump the track from one paradigm to another

    That is not true of course; as the road never ends.


    There are crossroads when we must turn

                Curves when we must bend

    Steep inclines to surmount

                And descents to anticipate

    But pray they are all traveled with grace.


    Just as spring brings new seeds to sow

                Summer tending is tedious and slow

    Fall bring us proper harvest to reap

                Before the winter’s sleep

    Resting in the promises He intends to keep.


    As we enter the Fall

                A harvest of color abounds

    But some see the end of life,

                And to others richness added.

    Whether an end or fertile viewed

                Crossroads or bend ensuing

    Forever forwardly emerging,

                Life portends.


    © jwp 10810101ajmg

    Poem Comments


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    blvdobd2009 commented on For the Fall


    jean I am simply in love with your work...your words are always so tangible.... always so relatable...trying to perform at peak....striving for perfection providing unrest to so many of us in the winter beautiful....and a ten!



    You are too kind! Peace to you and yours...

    NevillePark commented on For the Fall


    jean ... this thing crackles with recognizable points of contact - most especially in the first four or five introductory lines. Love the sharp eye you have and how easily it comes. Great job!



    Sorry not to have acknowledged your kind words earlier. They are always appreciated!

    WordSlinger commented on For the Fall


    jean, this beautiful, much to appreciate, this is written very well, and thought out, great guided emotion, ty WS



    Always honored to have you comment!

    blvdobd2009 commented on For the Fall


    I am glad for you message, for I really needed to read those words, beautiful rhythm. I can only hope that fall grants us all the rest that you speak of, a rest that will properly prepare us for a harsh winter. Thank you A ten from me!



    Thank your for taking the time to read and I'm glad to hear it touched your soul.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jeanpnkldyg’s Poems (51)

    Title Comments
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    When Words Fail.... 1
    For His Glory....a prose piece. 1
    My 0
    Just a thought... 1
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    Sufficient Fear 1
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    Mother 0
    Illegitimate Child 0
    Word 0
    Facebook Fetish 0
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    Never Ending... 1
    For J. C. P. (13y) 2
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    Look Up.. 3
    boredom 2
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    Letters, Artwork and Inspiration 4
    The Vanished 8
    What more to say... 6
    For the Fall 5
    Gratitude 3
    Surfer Dude 26
    Cave 16
    Glorious, Wonderful.... 4
    So far, Untitled 4
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    I saw your face 4
    Request for Intercession 3
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    No Glory Here 5
    Day Is Done 6
    Immersion of Self 4
    Returning 4
    My Children's Mother 6
    Fortunate Circumstance 2
    Sentiment for a Daughter 4
    Untitled Conversation 4
    Alone With God 6
    Still Waters 7
    The Soldiers Prayer 4
    Slip Away From the Darkness 4