Prison Guard


Prison Guard

I laid down, my thoughts on fire
It’d be easier if I was a crier
Bottled thoughts are breaking free
And I just cannot let them be

Maybe sleep will give me the strength
To fight these thoughts at length
But sleep stumbles in like a circus buffoon
Staying just out of reach like a floating balloon

I laid down, my thoughts on fire
I must avoid the actions they sire
I am the guard of my caged inner beast
Who must never be allowed to feast

I sleep; I dream; I fight with myself
Some emotions should stay on a shelf
I laid down, my thoughts on fire
Life would be easier if I were a crier

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hoth2o commented on Prison Guard


I get the feeling of rage and a fight to control it..

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

mmichelle97219’s Poems (31)

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