

Poem Commentary

Written in a beautiful moment of feeling my power...


I now reclaim
All the power
From any of
The illusions
In my life
That cause me to experience
I now reclaim the power
That I put forth
To bring these illusions
Into my experience
Any of the physical, emotional, mental fears I feel
Will now cease to exist
For the power has been
Reclaimed and transmuted
Into a knowing and trusting energy
The clouds have been
Swept aside
And the sun is shining
As it always has been
I just couldn't see it
But it was always shining
Well Being
They are always there
They have always been
But sometimes we bring the clouds
And we forget our own perfection
Our own divinity
We trust the clouds
And not the sun
The vibrant eternal
We forget its there
We are amnesiacs
And our fears consume us
If we let them
So right now I remember
Pulled from the illusion
Enlightened by a truth
And so again I say
I reclaim power
From all of my
Earthly fears
And I appreciate that
I was powerful enough
To put them there in the first place
Now I have new plans
For my power
Now I'm moving forward
Now I am deliberately creating
The life I want
It is my divine right
It is all of ours

Poem Comments


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DeepEclipse commented on Power


Power over fear is perhaps stronger than the power that conquers. So many ways to label -power-. Another deep thinking piece that stirs the conscious. Showing a perfection through perfecting the self. Maybe it all starts first from the inside, then the outside ends up taking care of itself. As always an intriguing journey through that 4th dimension of consciousness. Excellent.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

trocka7’s Poems (62)

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Word Power 3
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