

Poem Commentary

Sometimes when dealing with certain issues, I have felt them resurface and affect me when I thought I was done with them.  It felt like back to square one....I realized that just because these feelings resurfaced that I was not going backwards, but actually allowing myself to be with these feelings, therefore they were more intense.  Glad to feel some forward motion....


Maybe this feels like its getting
More difficult
Because I am finally
Coming closer to it
Perhaps I'm not reverting
At all
But inching and leaping
Closer to it than
I was ever capable of before
This perception takes a bit of
The weight and self-judgment
Out of it
To realize I am actually
Progressing instead of reverting
Evolving instead of de-evolving
Coming closer instead of drifting further
Feeling instead of numbing
I've been trapped in a box
And I have grabbed hold
Of the key
And it is rough and cutting me,
Making my hands bleed
To turn it
But if it means
I will welcome the pain
And keep turning the key
To Freedom
My hands will heal
My heart will heal
My mind and body and spirit
Will heal
But all shall remain in darkness
If I choose not to choose freedom
I choose freedom
So bring on the fire
Let it burn away
All the old patterns
Useless cycles
Let it burn clean and pure
Release these energies
Back to the heavens
To be transmuted and reborn
Into something beautiful

Poem Comments


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786mona commented on Evolution


i love it! it is a great poem and it is well written so good gob!:)

organicchick commented on Evolution


Very good poem.........inspiring, deep though, and well written. I like how it ends........that is where the inspiration comes in! Good job.........thanks for sharing!!

WordSlinger commented on Evolution


This is very inspiring, I feel like this alot, and I love how you wrote about it. I really like the positiveness in this.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

trocka7’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
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Remembered Strength 1
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