Facing Dark


Poem Commentary

Again, just a therapeutic writing, just expressing some things I was going through at the time...

Facing Dark

I'm not sure how I feel
Random pops of edginess
Then calmer, more distant
At times very present
I find myself retreating
Into the furthest corners
Of my mind
When I feel the shadow
Creeping up,
Yet rolling like thunder,
Hard and fast
I sense its impending grip
And I escape into the recesses
Of my inner self
Afraid to be with the pain
That seems to debilitate me
Loss of power
No control
So I run for my life
But I'm tired
And worn down
I can't keep running
Because it won't stop
Chasing me
It will go into hiding
Restful slumber
Then sneak up and grab me
When I am least expecting it
So I must stop in my tracks
And turn to face this darkness
And I mustn't try to conquer it
But to embrace it
Every dark, dank, heavy aspect
I must allow it to be
One with me
To feel it
And be with it
To understand it
And give it love and compassion
I must stop running
And instead meet it
Eye to eye
So that it will feel heard
And dissipate
At last...

Poem Comments


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optimistic commented on Facing Dark


I must stop running and instead meet it eye to eye very sharp ending leaving the reader on the edge of a sharp knife jumping trying to escape yet have to fight to move again, great analogy great words.

dragonfly1023 commented on Facing Dark


excellent thoughts on our struggle between the lightness and the dark trocka7. Demons we fear must eventually must faced, or souls are tortured all hope erased. I'm with you 100%



Thank you dragonfly! I always appreciate your comments! You were the first person to every comment on my work, so you stick out in my mind, love hearing from you!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

trocka7’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
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Facing Dark 2
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Watermelon Accents 2
A Bad Day 3
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