Cold Steel


Poem Commentary

Let me just preface this one by saying that everything is okay! This was just a baaaaaaad place to be, and I'm, glad to be in a better place now.  I just felt the need to share it, there may be someone else out there who can relate and need to feel that they are not alone....

Cold Steel

Cold steel pressed
Against my flesh
Once by another
Then redirect
Now I'm the one
Who commits this crime
Against myself
Again in time
Cool pressure on the temple
Remotely soothing
Like a cold bathroom floor
When you feel sick
Comforting you with relief
But this cold is colder
Targeted and direct
Eyes closed
Thoughts flash before me
Weighing the options
Slowly move the barrel
Beneath my chin
Not as comforting
Not at all
Then it goes further
And finds its way
Between my teeth
A horrible sensation
The feel of gun-metal
In your mouth
And a shock is sent through me
Where I then awaken
Jolted back into some form of sense
Some rationality
Remove the barrel
From my jaw
Release my finger
From the trigger
Feel shaken to the bone
And all alone
Hurled back through
Time and space
To another place
Then back to the present
In less than a second
These flashes drive me
To the brink of sanity
Where I teeter and sway
And fall over the edge
Then come back to my senses
To find a gun to my head
These are the things that
I don't tell you,
And you wouldn't want me to
I'll come around,
I'm trying...

Poem Comments


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dragonfly1023 commented on Cold Steel


people buy guns for two reasons, protection or suicide. your thoughts here are the result of a very creative mind, or a very terrible experience. I hope it's the creative mind at work :D glad you're in a better place now trocka7.

Crush commented on Cold Steel


"cool pressure on the temple / Remotely soothing like a cold bathroom floor when you are sick..." THAT is SICK and alive and wonderful. I like you because your words are head on collision, cool. Thanks.

WordSlinger commented on Cold Steel


Wow this in isintense.I 'm like metally reaching to like save ya, wow, that means ya caught the reader. Please don't do that agian, ;)



Never fear, WordSlinger, I am no longer in that place, but I did feel a need to share it, so I did. Thanks for your feedback, its much appreciated!

house commented on Cold Steel


wow..this is a very powerful kinda left speachlesss..poetry to me is my realease..its how i deal with the world...pls let ur pen/ keyboard become your gun.. when you pull the trigger let the lyrics become your bullets



thanks for your feedback, poetry is definitely my release as well, my "gun" for sure! thanks for understanding this, I had one comment on it that was really mean, very rude. Someone told me it was not poetry at all and poor at that...needless to say I deleted that comment! He obviously couldn't relate or understand that poetry is about expression and release sometimes, not always about textbook rules....anyway, thanks for getting this and for your kind words!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

trocka7’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Wisdom of Creation 2
Ka-Pow! 0
Mr. Mystic 7
Shine 7
Equilibrium 13
Satan Sprang 6
Love Questions 2
His-Story 1
Restricted 4
Passion-Trek 2
Dreamality 1
Being You 1
Bigot Begone 2
Take Me Home 1
Roundabout 1
Power 1
Cold Steel 5
Evolution 3
Holy Union 1
Remembered Strength 1
Muddled 4
Nurtured By Nature 2
Wide Open 2
Sunset Salutation 13
Facing Dark 2
Melting 0
Fuzzy Sedation 1
Watermelon Accents 2
A Bad Day 3
Jazzy Breezes 3
Perfect Unfolding 1
Free Flow 0
The Maze 0
Sneaky Shadow 0
Stepping Up 0
Thief 1
Shark 2
Here Now 2
Global Deception 5
Star Person 1
Dramarama 2
Emo Nazi 3
Heart Quest 1
Awakened 1
Prisoner 3
Semantics 2
Fickle 3
Grey 1
Word Power 3
Luna 7
Perspectacles 1
Edge of Storm 5
Cosmic 5
Stuck 1
Ego Revealed 3
A Look Around... 1
Toxic 5
Mind Trap 4
Twilight Passage 6
Thank You 1
Buried Secrets 5
Winter Magic 8