Global Deception


Poem Commentary

I wrote this one day a few years ago while the country was still under the reign of the Bush Regime, and I was really angry about the war and the short-sightedness of those in power who seemed to not consider the human cost of this undertaking.  I usually don't get so righteous, but I was mad and disheartened on the day I wrote this....thankfully we have moved forward from there a bit! I just want to add that this is in no way meant to disrespect anyone or their political views, we all have a lot more in common than we have differences....just how I was feeling at the time...

Global Deception

Across this crooked land
Runs a crooked man
Armed with a smile
And the Bible in his hand
Caught in his madness
Believes his own lies
Meanwhile brings sadness
As the innocents die
The grief a mother feels
When her child is gone
Is as deep and as real
No matter where she calls home
So tell me how can one
Decide for all
What is righteous
Where the bombs fall
All in the name of freedom
All in the name of justice
The truth smacks more of greed
Lies in bed with corruption
I try to stay up
I try to see the light
But angry tears blur my vision
Don't understand this fight
Senseless, meaningless
I wonder to the night,
"How can peace prevail
When everyone thinks they're right?"
11 more killed today
3 of them children
Strikes a blow to my soul
Yet I must keep rebuilding
Myself, my strength
To survive the length
Of this idiotic reign
Of freedom wrapped in chains
And served on a silver plate
Key ingredients:
Deception and hate
But they're not blind
And they're afraid to taste
The lies and the falsehood
That the rest of us ate
Drugged us with complacence
Slipped us all a mickey
Forced us to comply
When nobody was looking
How many more must die
While madmen continue tricking?
All for paper, all for power
We drink their milk
Even when its sour
Because what can we do?
Its not our problem
The mortgage is due
And I like my hot shower
Gimme my Lexus
No wait, make it a Prius
That way I'll be doing
Some type of service
Supporting the cause
Of love and of peace
From my luxury car
From my house on the beach
I'll support from afar
With hollow speech
As long as don't have to
Make much of a reach
Or a stretch, or a strain
Yes, I know its in vain
But while others feel pain
I will remain
The one who retains
The right to regain
All of the benefits
And none of the blame
And little Adolph Jr.
Has his finger on the button
We should have seen it sooner
The blinded eyes of gluttons
A nuclear mentality
Atomic schizophrenia
Paranoid duality
Glints of shifty mania
When will sanity reclaim
Its rightly deserved rule
A return of our senses
Be attained
No longer playing fools
Break free of this spell
We're under
Waking from the depths
Of slumber
Take back our dream
Re-align our vision
Put all of our fears
Into submission
When they say we kill for peace
We must refuse to listen
Send the spoiled meat
Straight back to the kitchen
We are all responsible
For this loveless spectacle
Perhaps instead of democracy
We should simply practice tolerance
Of the way that others be
Even though they're not just like us
Put down the guns
Dry up the tears
Rebuild the love
We've lost through the years
Shift our vision
From without to within
Inside our own system
Is where to begin
Attempt to reunite
A country so divided
So tired of the fight
So many feeling slighted
A little introspection
A little self-reflection
Where can we improve
Within our own nation?
Perhaps when we admit
Our missteps and our flaws
We can begin to abide
By a higher set of laws
Written in our spirits
Guided by our love
Leading with compassion
No more need to push and shove
A fading urge to trample
All who are not us
How can we be the example
When the world's lost faith in us?

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danmartyjake1 commented on Global Deception


Very amazing read.... atomic schizo...indeed, agreed!....

optimistic commented on Global Deception


We lived a long life of hell while the rich got richer and smiled very great expression of words not only on the president yet other descriptions on life.



Thank you for your comments, optimistic. Always much appreciated, glad you could relate to this...

frog commented on Global Deception


This poem is so powerful, and well spoken. I love how it addresses the issues right at the core. There is a lot of core bravery in this poem in telling it just as it feels.



Thank you Frog, I appreciate your words and the fact that you could relate to intent was not to get too political, just to get to the human side of it...there was actually no intent, it just spilled from my pen one day in a moment of anger and despair over the whole scenario...thanks for your feedback!

Kallen commented on Global Deception


Your ire, angst, irritation, and aggravation are mis-directed and mis-informed. Just because ANYONE wears a smile does not mean that this individual is not capable of a heinous crime -whether local or global. The onus is on the heart of man not in any one individual or country! Kallen



thanks again for your feedback,Kallen. I'm going to have to disagree with you on some of it though, as I feel you may have misinterpreted the meaning here....I put nothing on one person or country, but on All of humanity...this just happened to be a bit more specific because its what I felt one day...Agree to disagree on this, but I love the feedback, so I thank you for it!

AmadeusEx commented on Global Deception


this was an epic many good feelings i cant really pick one straight out, but i completely agree with everything you said here, living eight years under bush was torture for everyone...thank you for sharing, this was a great read



Thanks so much, I was a bit hesitant to even post it, but so it goes with most things I write!just decided to start putting a lot of stuff on here, I've never really let many people read my writings, and I've got notebooks upon notebooks filled, so I figured it was time to share them...thanks again for your feedback!

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

trocka7’s Poems (62)

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