


Everything is aligned
When you pay attention
To each single synchronicity
And every co-incidence
That happens in every second
Of every moment
Or every moment
Of every second
For they are interchangeable
When all is Now

When you take notice
And open to the notion
That you are being
That you are being
That you are being
That each idea, inspiration and thought
That flows through you
Has little to do with you
 When you remove yourself
From the equation
Then Higher Self
Divine Consciousness
Flows freely through you
And for your highest good

And it is only then,
In the grand space of
In the warm embrace of
That everything becomes possible
And you realize and awaken
To the fact that
Your Highest Self
Your Truest Self

When you allow yourself
To be "played",
So to speak,
You are in much better hands
Than you trying to control it all
From within the game
When character surrenders to player
Character and player are both
Benefitting and Evolving
What's good for Observer
And what's good for Observed
Are intertwined
For the Observer and the Observed
Are One

One consciousness of Being
Yet specifically focused
As individuated pieces
Of Divinity
 When there is harmony
Within the apparent two
The One
Shines forth
Most Brightly

Poem Comments


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Crush commented on Shine


my brain hurts in a good way, for it has been, awakened. very very nice.

ApaqRasgirl commented on Shine


wow! that was some trip on self awareness......some deep thoughts here to write......I really enjoyed it, especially all the parts I piece..... loves ya asha



Thank you very much, I appreciate your feedback! I'm glad you liked this, and yes, I take quite a few self-awareness trips! It's kind of my passion :)

DeepEclipse commented on Shine


Damn one hellova poem. Reminds me of the phrase -where pride sees obstacle, humbleness sees opportunity- Impressive how you easily showcase a somewhat complex description. Who would of thought that letting go gives more than holding on? Ah but life exists in such deep circles. Sometimes I wonder if everything doesn't revolve around that same reverse phycology. Remarkable poem. I am glad I caught this today. [When you allow yourself To be "played", So to speak, You are in much better hands Than you trying to control it all] - This speaks VOLUMES. Perhaps superiority is nothing more than a dressed up inferiority complex. Excellent write. I could go on about this all day......

ginga commented on Shine


trocka, A way of reasoning especially with the moments and seconds, waiting to inevitable shine is such a magnificent theme for a poem that leads the reader to take stock in each waking hour. ginga

nhorlandi commented on Shine


All you have written in this piece is absolutely true and I agree. Well done, mate.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

trocka7’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Wisdom of Creation 2
Ka-Pow! 0
Mr. Mystic 7
Shine 7
Equilibrium 13
Satan Sprang 6
Love Questions 2
His-Story 1
Restricted 4
Passion-Trek 2
Dreamality 1
Being You 1
Bigot Begone 2
Take Me Home 1
Roundabout 1
Power 1
Cold Steel 5
Evolution 3
Holy Union 1
Remembered Strength 1
Muddled 4
Nurtured By Nature 2
Wide Open 2
Sunset Salutation 13
Facing Dark 2
Melting 0
Fuzzy Sedation 1
Watermelon Accents 2
A Bad Day 3
Jazzy Breezes 3
Perfect Unfolding 1
Free Flow 0
The Maze 0
Sneaky Shadow 0
Stepping Up 0
Thief 1
Shark 2
Here Now 2
Global Deception 5
Star Person 1
Dramarama 2
Emo Nazi 3
Heart Quest 1
Awakened 1
Prisoner 3
Semantics 2
Fickle 3
Grey 1
Word Power 3
Luna 7
Perspectacles 1
Edge of Storm 5
Cosmic 5
Stuck 1
Ego Revealed 3
A Look Around... 1
Toxic 5
Mind Trap 4
Twilight Passage 6
Thank You 1
Buried Secrets 5
Winter Magic 8