Winter Magic


Winter Magic

The wind kissed the snow
Bringing twinkles of dust
Moon glinted off flakes
The landscape was hushed
The only sound to be heard
Was the energetic vibration
And the breeze when it breathed
In complete syncopation
With the song of the cosmos
In the realm of creation
With the Light and the Shadows
The Sunfire and Blackholes
The strength and the centeredness
Of magnetic poles
The whisper of willows
The language of tree
The starlight kept watch
On that silent bright eve
And the sound of a thought
Was invasive indeed
So Presence came naturally
In the white shine of freeze
Icicle Chandaliers
Hung from the trees
And sparkled like diamonds
Icy gems crystalline
Winterland Palace
Sacred space of Now
Allows for interaction
With a state of Higher Mind
Where the heart begins to speak
Leaving noisiness behind
Random thoughts now go to sleep
And all that's heard is the Divine
Remember, You are being breathed
As well as being held as an idea
In the mind of All There Is
Within perfect state of being
Surroundings so holy
Being nurtured by nature
The patterns of branches
Held high in their stature
The ice reflects moonlight
The snow reveals a million tiny stars
Twinkling in their kingdom
As Orion does in ours
Twirly tornado of twinkles
Swirling down the path ahead
And the gentler dusting dance
In a back and forth sway
Moving side to side
When the breeze comes to play
This night is entrancing
In white light bright as day
And black sky is romancing
The moon as she lay
Held softly by the heavens
Her beauty displayed
Awareness shifts once more
To a different time and space
We are interdimensional beings
Awareness rarely in one place
Travelers are we
Through many states of being
Duality occurs like breath
Always giving and receiving

Poem Comments


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nhorlandi commented on Winter Magic


You have a great and wonderful imagination particularly on winter time. I love this!

WordSlinger commented on Winter Magic


Icicle Chandaliers Hung from the trees I love that part, I love all of this, put that to me is just awesome.:)

AmadeusEx commented on Winter Magic


this one was amazing, reminded me of every super cold crystal clear starlit night during iowa's long drawn out winters, the feeling of vastness and how small i felt beneath it all, and the mystical tie-ins you write about capture the magic i always felt when i looked outside across a frozen snowfield of old corn stumps and catch glimpes of diamonds in the starlight...beautiful poem, definitely a ten from me



Thanks for your feedback, its much appreciated! I grew up in Wisconsin, so I know exactly what you mean about the frozen cornfields...mmm, nostalgia!

lightcourier commented on Winter Magic


"In the white shine of freeze" What a fantastic phase. Very creative. And I liked the meter you sing songed this with. Felt myself being pulled along. I think i see a light at the end of this tunnel. Nice work. Thanks!

dragonfly1023 commented on Winter Magic


this poem is a powerhouse. original thoughts. great analogies. love the descriptions and visuals they conjure up.



Thank you so much for your kind words, I love to write! Thanks again :)

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

trocka7’s Poems (62)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Wisdom of Creation 2
Ka-Pow! 0
Mr. Mystic 7
Shine 7
Equilibrium 13
Satan Sprang 6
Love Questions 2
His-Story 1
Restricted 4
Passion-Trek 2
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Being You 1
Bigot Begone 2
Take Me Home 1
Roundabout 1
Power 1
Cold Steel 5
Evolution 3
Holy Union 1
Remembered Strength 1
Muddled 4
Nurtured By Nature 2
Wide Open 2
Sunset Salutation 13
Facing Dark 2
Melting 0
Fuzzy Sedation 1
Watermelon Accents 2
A Bad Day 3
Jazzy Breezes 3
Perfect Unfolding 1
Free Flow 0
The Maze 0
Sneaky Shadow 0
Stepping Up 0
Thief 1
Shark 2
Here Now 2
Global Deception 5
Star Person 1
Dramarama 2
Emo Nazi 3
Heart Quest 1
Awakened 1
Prisoner 3
Semantics 2
Fickle 3
Grey 1
Word Power 3
Luna 7
Perspectacles 1
Edge of Storm 5
Cosmic 5
Stuck 1
Ego Revealed 3
A Look Around... 1
Toxic 5
Mind Trap 4
Twilight Passage 6
Thank You 1
Buried Secrets 5
Winter Magic 8