Twilight Passage


Poem Commentary

This poem is about that small slice of time when it is very late at night and very early in the morning at the same time, when one's consciousness is super-open and intuition is heightened, the moments between those last moments of being awake, and the beginning moments of drifting to sleep....and an incredible full moon!

Twilight Passage

Early morning
Twilight glows
Secret passage
Thought unfolds
Now in Being
Truths are told
They settle in deep
Taking strong hold
Subconscious impressions
Take root in my soul
Stars are still shining
Twinkling and watching
Moon Glow
Dew Glow
Bright silver blanket
Twilight faeries
Twirl and dance
Mysterious One
Brings mysterious trance
Moon is waning
Light and Shadow
Mind is fading
Awareness grows
Leaving this realm
To another dimension
Consciousness gains
Another ascension
Goodnight and Goodmorning
Are One

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Cindy80 commented on Twilight Passage


you have wrote a very beauitful piece of work here... keep doing what you are doing... I wish you good luck

kmooney commented on Twilight Passage


Again, I am impressed. You have to read through my works. We do seem to have similar styles to a certain extent. Great word choice and syntax. You have a gift my friend. The first 20 poems I have on this site I wrote when I was in my 20's, some 30 years ago. They are mostly short, abstract pieces. You should look through them. In particular look at Wish I Did, Hear the People and Please Listen. Great write once again.... Kevin

danmartyjake1 commented on Twilight Passage


I like your word choices...there's lots of great imagery here...

ginga commented on Twilight Passage


This poem enhances ones psyche for sure. It is a very cerebral take on that time of night you speak of. These lines are mesmerizing..."moon glow", "dew glow," twilight faeries twirl and dance," and "Goodnight and good morning are one." 10 Ginga



Thank you, Ginga for your comments on this...this is one of my favorites as far as the ones I've written go...I wrote it during this time of night/morning, so the essence was captured I think because I wrote it in that state of consciousness...thank you for your feedback :)

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

trocka7’s Poems (62)

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