NenaT’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: CO
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: n/a
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a half breed (Apache/Mexican) poet from New Mexico. I am a country girl living in the beautiful city of Denver. I am a child of the mountains, and the Colorado Rockies feed my spirit. I discovered in high school that the written word is easier for me than the spoken word, and I can put thoughts on paper that would otherwise never make it out of my head. I am currently working on a novel that may or may not be finished, depending on how disciplined I am; I make no promises. Update: I have published my novel! "A Golden Moment of Freedom" available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel websites (please forgive the plug).
Five years ago I made the trip of a lifetime to Paris, France and Venice, Italy. I left my heart there and I plan to return as soon as I can to retrieve it. Two years ago I visited New Orleans for the first time and it has completely taken over my spirit. I am compelled to return at least twice a year now. One day maybe I will go there and never leave. It's not an impossibility.


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catarino profile comment


never be intimidated, my friend. we each have a voice and our own experience. each style is unique and readers have their reasons for finding each poet. we need variety. poetry is variety.

catarino profile comment


i find myself in your writing. your poems are my Paris, my Venice, my Florence, my Rome. Thank you.



What a wonderful compliment. Thank you.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

NenaT’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Breakup 2
Gone 1
Dreamers Dreaming 3
When I Look For You 6
The Goodbye 1
Memories of a Tuesday Afternoon 3
A Mother's Prayer 2
She Loves Him 2
Este Corazon (My Heart) 0
In Time 4
The Rendezvous 1
Unrequited 2
May-December Love 1
Forbidden 4
The Romantics 2
La Paloma 0
Wondering 4
Los Angeles 0
A Vague Farewell 0
Ghost-Child 4
Untitled 2
Kaleidescope 2
Sunday Morning 2
Honky Tonk Angel 4
It Was Only A Thought 1
Untitled 0
Welcome to My Hell 5