A Vague Farewell


  • Friendship

    A Vague Farewell

    Snowflakes that fall on your shoulder, linger, then disappear
    Friendships that form, then fade out of your life

    A hazy day that never did allow the sun to break through
    A friendship that might have been, but never was

    A lovely rose blooms for the gardener that does not see
    A friend fails to thank a friend for the gift of faith

    A lone yucca is silhouetted against the desert sunset
    The day is gone, and with it, a friend unknown

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    NenaT’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Breakup 2
    Gone 1
    Dreamers Dreaming 3
    ALONE 5
    When I Look For You 6
    The Goodbye 1
    Memories of a Tuesday Afternoon 3
    A Mother's Prayer 2
    She Loves Him 2
    Este Corazon (My Heart) 0
    In Time 4
    The Rendezvous 1
    Unrequited 2
    JASON 2
    May-December Love 1
    Forbidden 4
    The Romantics 2
    La Paloma 0
    Wondering 4
    Los Angeles 0
    A Vague Farewell 0
    Ghost-Child 4
    Untitled 2
    Kaleidescope 2
    Sunday Morning 2
    Honky Tonk Angel 4
    It Was Only A Thought 1
    Untitled 0
    Welcome to My Hell 5