sogwap’s Profile

  • Age: 70
  • Location: Schenectady, NY
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Darrell
My profile name means "Son of God with all power" hence sogwap. I was taught Gods Word from a wonderful ministry that I am still curently involved with. I teach God's Word in my home and I also love to write poems and am currently working on a few books as well. This is my best way for communicating what I am thinking about. I love to share my heart with anyone who cares to listen. But putting my thoughts to paper is a more permanent way to share them without having to remember everything I was thinking about so as to share it in person. I am born again, and am sure of that, so God and I are in a consistent personal relationship. He is my Father because he placed His seed in me when I became born again. I currently live in upstate NY around the Albany/Schenectady area. If you are ever in the area and want to enjoy fellowship and some good hot bible in my place. Please feel free to let me know. You can leave me an e-mail please put a poem heading in the subject or it will not be opened and go right to the spam folder. And I have finished and have two books published. You can find them on the Barnes and Noble and on the Amazon web site. Name of books are "Forget not all His benefits" and "Claim your Brain"thanks.


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gahgo profile comment


Bless you Brother! Be proud of the ministry that brought you to the light! You and Dad ARE the majority! The ministry of Reconciliation is ours to carry. Your voice on this page can bring back those we have lost. They can hear the Shepherd's Voice and see that we have a "kinder and gentler" Ministry of the Way now! We are a family and we need to care for each other,



thanks for the comment. Are you commenting on any poem in particular that may have sparked something in your heart? Are you involved with the Way ministry in any way? Let me know; so I don't just think that you are a bot so they call them. lol

Rosebud57 profile comment


This man's poem helped save my daughter's life! Thank you Darryl and thank you Jesus!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

sogwap’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Tis a new year 0
Pentecost 0
Thoughts from a young age 0
Life is a garden 0
This is Life? 0
What must I do 0
Perfect Prayer 0
Burden bearers 0
Life as we know it 1
Victory is ours 0
Victory is Ours 0
I was not there 0
Christ in You 1
Another rose petal 0
Living Life 0
Oh that he may know 0
He gave up his life 0
Wisdom 2
He took my place 1
The Lamp 3
Power of prayer 4