SecretAngel3’s Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Location: private
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I love bright colors, fashion, food, family, friends, and feeling good.
I am a fanatic over:
Harry Potter
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pixar movies

That's me in an "F" shell. =D


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

SecretAngel3’s Poems (41)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I Am Ugly 0
Dear Dufus 0
Fragile People 0
The Hunt for Delectable Expression 3
Take My Heart 1
Mini Poem Series: Entry 4 0
All About Joe 0
The Stone Ones 0
Imperfect 0
Beautiful Morning 1
How Water Hurts 0
Misfortune 1
The Dream Me 0
Can a brighter day inspire me? 0
Last Hope 0
In My Hands 1
The Power of God 1
Their Sting Fills Me with Poison 1
Mini Poem Series: Entry 3 0
Tale of a Maiden 1
Mini Poem Series: Entry 2 0
Mini Poem Series: Entry 1 0
Regretful Realizations 0
Spread the Love 0
Little Sprite 0
At Last, Avenged 0
Food for Thought 0
Elusion 0
Strength 0
The Hunter and The Woman 0
Calling 1
Confidence 2
Which Apple I Love 0
My Heart's Pain 1
Lost at Home 1
Somber Icy Spectacle 1
Meet You In Heaven 1
Sickening Stage 0
Cafe Cliche 0