

  • Happiness
    • freind
    • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.


    what is a poem? where does it come from?it surely has too come from your heart.deep inside your inner feelings. to express your self or too the whole world.this you only know the kindess in your heart .and mind ,soul for the love you have for every one.even people you dont know.so thank god for this.many people cant express their self.so too all you poets .take a bow and be proud your self.it is what the world needs.

    Poem Comments


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    orangepony commented on feelings


    To have a gift of writing poems is a bueaty all its own, it will be expression of mind and soul for other to knowlege us



    thank you for your comments glad to have you as a freind i like your poems they hit they way i feel you do good writes keep it up look forward to see more from you

    am2anangel commented on feelings


    It's comments and moments like these that encourage a true poet to continue an art that many claim only is profitable and beneficial if the poet has passed away. I don't know about you, but I 'd like to hear the praise and comments now while I'm living. lol! Enjoyed this one. Thank you.



    so very true it is only what we feel as apoet whoe cares

    raggedypoet commented on feelings


    It is indeed what the world needs! Very nicely said! ~Sara

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    freind’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    finest hour 4
    somebody 3
    Time 2
    darkness 1
    for the children 3
    liar 8
    life 1
    addiciton 4
    love 4
    brother 3
    poetry 1
    calm 0
    thoughts 1
    momma 7
    spirit of freedom 1
    days past 1
    missing 3
    angel 4
    son 1
    woman 3
    beloved 3
    feelings 4