spirit of freedom


  • freind
  • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.

spirit of freedom

as i was at the lake .
just the other day.
to collect my thoughts.
from the days gone past.
as i looked into the sky.i watched a osprey fly.
it grabbed a fish then flew away.
soon then the moments passed.
i knew that was freedom?
with a cry of victory it flew away.
just looking forward to another day?
as the osprey does.
only to know.
may god grant me one more day.
so when he comes to close my eyes.may i have the spirit to fly away?

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

freind’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
finest hour 4
somebody 3
Time 2
darkness 1
for the children 3
liar 8
life 1
addiciton 4
love 4
brother 3
poetry 1
calm 0
thoughts 1
momma 7
spirit of freedom 1
days past 1
missing 3
angel 4
son 1
woman 3
beloved 3
feelings 4