

  • Emotional
    • freind
    • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.


                              just remeber this.
                          i always loved you so.
                        the time of the season .
                           or cause of the reason?
                         it was time for me to go.
                cherish the time we spent together.
                    never forget that i loved you so.
                   now comes for the time to let me go.
                         i am in a good place now.
                         .  the image of your face                   
                         will never be displaced.
                            for i loved you so.
                          it breaks my heart.
                              to let you go. 
                  but there is something i want you to know.
                        i always have loved you so.            
                      may god rest your soul.




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    Tempy commented on Time


    what a sad sad song like poem...................I hope you held onto love



    tempy thank you very much for the comment. it means much to me thank you again

    Teardrops commented on Time


    the passion and feeling in such a few lines is the gift of a great poet thanks for the read

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    freind’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    finest hour 4
    somebody 3
    Time 2
    darkness 1
    for the children 3
    liar 8
    life 1
    addiciton 4
    love 4
    brother 3
    poetry 1
    calm 0
    thoughts 1
    momma 7
    spirit of freedom 1
    days past 1
    missing 3
    angel 4
    son 1
    woman 3
    beloved 3
    feelings 4