

  • Confusion
    • freind
    • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.


                            just as we know.
                            the son will rise.
                             then it will set.
                         as the darkness will come.
                           after the day is done.
                          as i crawl into my bed.
                           and i close my eyes.
                            what littel life is left.
                          it slowly disappears.
                            the darkness is here.
                         my mind starts to wonder.
                    to think of things from the past.
                        life used to be good.
                   but i knew it would not last.
           as the walls slowly closed in i could feel the pressure.
                    no longer i could take.
                         waiting for the morning dawn.
                              hopeing to awake.
                   i see a littel light in the distance.
                           i could not touch.
              it was faint and fading away fast.
                i could feel my life slipping away.
                    when i thought i woke up.
                     it was cold and dark.
                  there was no more light.
             the lid was then shut closed oh so tight.
               as i laid in this hallow shell
             thats when i realized i was going to hell.
         it was just to late to make things right.
             so remeber this just do things that are right.
                so i say this to you good night..

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    Teardrops commented on darkness


    death is the final curtain call . You say it so well and makes me stop and realize how true your words are



    thankyou for that comment very nice of you i have been away for awhile dont know why i wrote that it just hit me to do so thankyou again

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    freind’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    finest hour 4
    somebody 3
    Time 2
    darkness 1
    for the children 3
    liar 8
    life 1
    addiciton 4
    love 4
    brother 3
    poetry 1
    calm 0
    thoughts 1
    momma 7
    spirit of freedom 1
    days past 1
    missing 3
    angel 4
    son 1
    woman 3
    beloved 3
    feelings 4