days past


  • Happiness
    • freind
    • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.

    days past

    as i opend my photo album?
    just the other day .
    i saw pictures of me and you
    from back in the day.
    thats when my hair was not so grey.
    the photos of family ;freinds.
    how they grew up and moved away.
    the pictures from the past .
    they will always last .
    just as the memeories start to fade ?

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    freind’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    finest hour 4
    somebody 3
    Time 2
    darkness 1
    for the children 3
    liar 8
    life 1
    addiciton 4
    love 4
    brother 3
    poetry 1
    calm 0
    thoughts 1
    momma 7
    spirit of freedom 1
    days past 1
    missing 3
    angel 4
    son 1
    woman 3
    beloved 3
    feelings 4