

  • Fantasy
    • freind
    • sitting here reading all you nice peoples poems.


    it seemed just like the other day.
    when i seen you .
    i thought you looked the other way.
    but then i realized you did not see my way?
    i knew there was something i had to do?
    regarding the price to pay.
    you are such a lovely woman in every way.
    how i wanted you so.
    i knew there was something i had to do.
    did not care about the cost.
    freinds and family could be lost?
    but you were worth the cost.
    i was willing to pay.
    soon the time would come.
    we would become as one.
    as our bodies became one.
    we enjoyed becoming as one.
    i love you so it would crush my heart if you ever .
    let me go.
    this should tell you my feelings are true.
    i will always love you no matter what you do?
    never forget me.
    because the voice you hear.
    will be me whispering your ear.

    Poem Comments


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    freind commented on love


    Oh My God ! Ricky love this one

    Teardrops commented on love


    Love is a wonderful thing to write about and you have it justice here thanks for a beautiful read Marie

    Tempy commented on love


    this is the sweetest thing It makes me sigh and wish a certain man would be as sincere.



    thankyou for the was something i did have to say.because i know she still loves me so but in the end she let me go

    orangepony commented on love


    The heart of this poem will always be on my mine, as doors open to journey of another sweet romantic of mine, as his sweet caress abraise me through out the night, comfort me with charms of his sweet delight,the dreams of my love of mine to come on the night as the moonlight shine. carolyn,orange pony

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    freind’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    finest hour 4
    somebody 3
    Time 2
    darkness 1
    for the children 3
    liar 8
    life 1
    addiciton 4
    love 4
    brother 3
    poetry 1
    calm 0
    thoughts 1
    momma 7
    spirit of freedom 1
    days past 1
    missing 3
    angel 4
    son 1
    woman 3
    beloved 3
    feelings 4