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    A person is a person
    But a body is a whole
    If your going to break the heart
    Then your going to break the soul

    The face of the person Im looking at
    Is the only face I see
    But the face of the person Im looking at
    Isnt the face that is looking at me

    The more I stare them in the eye
    The more that face is clear
    And the more I listen to that person speak
    The less of them I hear

    The more i breathe the air around them
    The more my body dissolves away
    For this person with many faces
    Is giving me a sickness that seems to stay

    Why is the face that I cannot recognize
    The one that hurts me the most strongest
    And why is the face that I cannot recognize
    The one that stares at me the longest

    Wow, this person with many faces
    Is seeping through my skin
    Causing me pain Ive never felt
    And deathly scars lie within

    And I breathe slowly all the time
    So that I will never loose my place
    And I walk around and turn my head
    To the person with the multiple face.

    Poem Comments


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    ccslim commented on Faces


    Sweet write! The content superb and meters though good! I could only find slight grammar errors that doesn't conflict with the write! The scary part is the ending left me with a mirror!

    HappyGob commented on Faces


    That is one to read again, the person with many faces I think is ourselves. No one hurts us more than the one within the skin. I really like the thoughtful nature a poem like this brings me to.

    amber12172 commented on Faces


    This is a nice poem. I like it. It kinda gives me flashbacks in my life. lol.

    therejected commented on Faces


    this is an amazing poem

    lthomas commented on Faces


    This one started out nicely talking about people we thought we knew that we don't and how they affect us. You didn't clearly speak about the effects on you or why you hold on to them for so long...Talk more about your feelings of hurt or disappointment. I use to know these types of people until i learned to cut the ties,

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Symptoms 3
    Cremains 0
    Mood Swing 2
    Bloodthirsty Bastard 0
    Echopraxia 0
    Haiku, Take Three 0
    Queen of Heartbreak 1
    Haiku....Part Deux 2
    Haiku 3
    Blood Rains 2
    Imbrue 1
    Letting Off Steam 2
    Aint No Man Worth Your Tears 0
    Paper 0
    Here It Goes Again….. 0
    I Love Him So........ 2
    You Gonna Have To Teach Me.... 0
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    Sex & Wine 5
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    Every Story Is Two Sided 7
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    I Love Him So 0
    Whenever I Cry Again 0
    Touch N' Go 3
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    Kooke 0
    Tears From An Angel part1 0
    Almost Like You're Dead 2
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    Appasionato 1
    Back to Back We Faced Each Other 0
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    What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone 3
    Red Red Wine 1
    Love Late at Night 1
    Kandy Koated 1
    And It Felt Like A Dream 2
    Chocolate 5
    Go To Bed 0
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    Colorful 6