She Can Never Be Me


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    She Can Never Be Me

    What a beautiful day
    I must say
    Nothing standing in my way
    So why stray
    I should go play
    So wish what you may
    I’m going to go somewhere and lay…
    With somebody else…ok…
    I’m glad I didn’t stay
    I’m glad I decided to pray
    Because now I’m focused instead
    I’m out of the game and ahead
    I was warm in your bed
    I kept your ass fed
    I loved you I said
    But to her you fled
    But her love is dead
    Were you sick in the head?
    Well maybe you just didn’t know
    That I would really go
    That I would ever tell you no
    That I wouldn’t put on a show
    That I wouldn’t go with the flow
    Damn, I guess so
    Or maybe you just couldn’t see
    What this relationship could be
    But now I’m free
    You had a 10, but now a 3
    You messed up to the highest degree
    Oh Gee
    Why did you flee?
    Couldn’t you see?
    That she could never be me...

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    nonners commented on She Can Never Be Me


    ok i love all your work why arent you published? you have a lot of depth for one soo very young. when the book is out i got dibs on a copy k!



    Thanks, I just cant seem to find a place to get published....Im workin on this poetry contest, I have to send in a book of my work...but im my own worst critic, so I never think I have enough to make a good book even though I have like 300 poems

    nikkishaniqwa commented on She Can Never Be Me


    That's what I'm talkin about. Always settling for seconds when they had the best to beging with.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

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