Touch N' Go


  • Life

    Touch N' Go

    Touch N' Go

    By Shericka Murphy


    I know you like to touch it, and then you like to go

    You like to move it fast, and I like to take it slow

    And I don't know.....

    If I'm going to let you continue

    With this disgusting habit that's in you

    And I honestly can't even begin to....

    Think...What you think when you sit there and you think it

    When you pour you some wine and you drink it

    When you hop on my boat and you sink it

    You come to my house and you sit

    You come for one thing and that's it

    You come put in work and you quit

    And still I will Kindly invite you right on in

    And go to sleep in a bed full of sin

    I wake up and I don't even know where to begin

    Now what am I ever going to do now

    I want to say no but I don't even know how

    Because the love you be giving to me is like wow

    And that smile you be flashing is so damn sweet

    And the way you wrap around my body so crazy petite

    Ten minutes in with you and I'm already off my feet

    The sheets stay flying and our bodies stay hot

    Thrust and passion in the very same spot

    Giving this moment everything you've got

    Making this last for as long as you can

    Showing my woman your full grown man

    Making sweat in front of a fan

    Soon as were done, I'd really like to know

    Do you put me in the category as your ho?

    Because all you do for me is Touch....and Go....

    Poem Comments


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    nikkishaniqwa commented on Touch N' Go


    Wow!!! Crazy, crazy, crazy....and I love it! I think the last five lines really nailed it.

    doctord commented on Touch N' Go


    Awesome piece.if only you Had all the same passionate, mind blowing sex in a fully comitted relationship.its a rare find to have both, but it happens. Hope you find it.

    Lucho commented on Touch N' Go


    Simply Amazing! I could feel your pain along with all the passion that comes from mind blowing sex. You tell the story so well. I do know where you are coming from. It is hard to make that choice to cut it all off. If this is still going on then I wish you luck. I hope you figure out you want to do.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Cremains 0
    Mood Swing 2
    Bloodthirsty Bastard 0
    Echopraxia 0
    Haiku, Take Three 0
    Queen of Heartbreak 1
    Haiku....Part Deux 2
    Haiku 3
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    Imbrue 1
    Letting Off Steam 2
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    Here It Goes Again….. 0
    I Love Him So........ 2
    You Gonna Have To Teach Me.... 0
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    Every Story Is Two Sided 7
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    Whenever I Cry Again 0
    Touch N' Go 3
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    Almost Like You're Dead 2
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    Appasionato 1
    Back to Back We Faced Each Other 0
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