

  • Death
  • ,
  • Love
  • ,
  • Sadness



    By Shericka Murphy


    He be the Kream to my Koffee

    My Butter Kream Toffee

    And when he takes his hands off me...

    I can't breathe as clear

    And I think I can't even hear

    And from my right eye falls a tear

    Put your hands back on me I say

    And don't let me go for as long as we lay

    Cruise me and Bruise me, it's all okay

    I aint in pain but I may be hurt

    I wipe my tears and blood on your shirt

    And we lay our bodies in the dirt

    And I fall asleep with your kiss on my cheek

    I close my eyes and I hear you speak

    And we lay out there for almost a week

    Not even this could tear us apart

    Not even this could break up our heart

    This isn't where we end, This is where we start

    You whispered all of that into my ear

    You also whispered that I should have no fear

    I love it when your love is near

    Is what I whispered back to you

    I also whispered that I love everything you do

    It was the woods, the car, and just us two

    As we lay lost in this place so cold

    Tight to my body is what you hold

    Love is beautiful is what I was told



    And God knows it was'nt no lie

    You make me so happy that I start to cry

    You know why---

    Glass shattered everywhere and peirced my skin

    But It could never reach what I carry within

    And I can't even explain the feeling I felt when...

    I saw the lights flashing from afar

    I looked at you sleeping, and then I looked at the car

    I looked back at you and I feel just how still you are

    The lights got closer and a voice called out

    I screamed and yelled, but you didn't even shout

    I shut my mouth and I began to pout

    You were so quiet that I began to smile

    I realized I had not felt your heartbeat for a pretty good while

    And if you leave me like this I don't even know if I'll....

    Ever love again

    Not another man

    I don't think I can

    No I don't think I can..

    Ever love again

    Not another man

    Because he be the only Kream to my Koffee

    My Butter Kream Toffee.

    And when they took his hands off me...

    The breath had left me....Softly...


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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Symptoms 3
    Cremains 0
    Mood Swing 2
    Bloodthirsty Bastard 0
    Echopraxia 0
    Haiku, Take Three 0
    Queen of Heartbreak 1
    Haiku....Part Deux 2
    Haiku 3
    Blood Rains 2
    Imbrue 1
    Letting Off Steam 2
    Aint No Man Worth Your Tears 0
    Paper 0
    Here It Goes Again….. 0
    I Love Him So........ 2
    You Gonna Have To Teach Me.... 0
    Bye. 2
    Sex & Wine 5
    5 Feet Tall 3
    Every Story Is Two Sided 7
    Differences 1
    I Love Him So 0
    Whenever I Cry Again 0
    Touch N' Go 3
    Kookie 0
    Kooke 0
    Tears From An Angel part1 0
    Almost Like You're Dead 2
    Koffee 0
    Appasionato 1
    Back to Back We Faced Each Other 0
    Pouring Water On A Drowning Man 2
    Board Game 0
    How Do You Do It 0
    Hate-Love 0
    Infidelity 5
    She Can Never Be Me 2
    Seperation From Hateration 1
    Pool of Tears 5
    What A Miss 0
    When I Wanted To Leave 3
    What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone 3
    Red Red Wine 1
    Love Late at Night 1
    Kandy Koated 1
    And It Felt Like A Dream 2
    Chocolate 5
    Go To Bed 0
    Faces 5
    Give 4
    Colorful 6