What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone


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    What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone

    When we are together I can’t help but to feel so good
    Even when I feel bad
    I can’t help but want to feel that desire for you
    All those yearning feelings I’ve had

    I want to be with you all the time you know
    I’ve got to feel you near
    I hope the truth never leaves our lips
    That is something I will always fear

    You give me joy that I’ve never felt
    Compassion and love so deep
    I jump into your dreams at night
    And awaken you from your sleep

    It’s like I need you all the time
    Everywhere I go
    I feel you when you’re far away
    That is something that you should know

    When I get to see you, I dance a little
    My heart it, feels a flutter
    My stomach ties a double knot
    And my words become a stutter

    But every time I have to leave, I crumble a little inside
    My heart it feels a cut
    My stomach unties the double knot
    And there is no feeling in my gut

    I hate the fact that I can’t have you all to myself
    I hate that I’m not fully yours
    I hate that no one will know about us
    Because we stay behind closed doors

    Our love is forbidden and secret always
    And that’s without a doubt
    I hope your wife never catches us
    And my husband can never find out.

    Poem Comments


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    amber12172 commented on What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone


    oh my goodness this poem is insane i love it. You make amazing poems. This is one of my favorite poems of yours.

    lthomas commented on What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone


    Wow, what a surprised ending. A very nice and tantalizing expression of an illicit love affair. This poem straddles the fence of morality. Things people consider to be right vs wrong. Daring approach at a subject that is no stranger to society- OPP- other peoples' property. I like when you said, I jump into your dreams, beautifully expessed and connotations made me smile...

    Metaldoll commented on What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone


    I always say this and im gonna keep saying it cuz its so true. Love is so complicated and yet so simple all at once. Dont u think?

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
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