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    Don't I live with a heart that beats just like yours
    Don't I feel pain just the same
    Does your body not bruise just like mine
    If at fault, do we not both feel shame

    Why the air I breathe,is the same air you breathe
    And the wind brush my skin like it do you
    And the sun that beats upon our flesh everyday
    Is always going to do, what it do

    Why the ocean I swim in is the same as yours
    And the land you walk on, I walk on it too
    And all the organs that lie within my body
    Do the exact same things that yours do

    Don't I cry when I'm sad, like you do when your sad
    And don't we laugh when our spirits are high
    And don't we all run away when we are nervous or scared
    And if we're pierced through the heart, won't we die

    For the heart is the source and center of all emotional life
    Where the deepest and sincerest feelings are kept
    And I just can't believe that the color of our skin
    Is a barrier for love, and a quality that they must accept

    For the skin on our bodies fucntions in all the same ways
    It is a covering, a protector, a finish
    But because it comes in different shades and different colors
    It has caused a problem that will never diminish

    And because it will stay, and never go away
    Some will never find true love and its worth
    So how can someone ever look at my skin
    And judge whether or not I'm too colorful to belong on this earth...

    Poem Comments


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    doctord commented on Colorful


    I loved this one, it is so true. I have always been in interracial relationships and A lot of people don't understand. I guess opposites attract, but skin color means nothing to me,, its the heart that matters. Great work young lady, god bless

    bernie commented on Colorful


    I am 69 years old and a published, professional poet but I could not have said it better. Great work....... you make me proud to be a Poet. Keep up the great writing my sister.



    Thank u so much, u dont kno what it means to me to hear that. Ive always been the worst critic on my own work because I feel that I can always do better. To kno that others like you can relate boost up my self confidence.

    HappyGob commented on Colorful


    It reminds me of some shakespere verse, or something from memory I cant quite place. "If you prick me do I not bleed" keeps coming to mind. I like it, life is like a journey, often the destination does not have the same value as the experiance of the journey.

    MsKrystle commented on Colorful


    So very true....sadly racism still lives on today. Some people just cant seem to let it go. Thank you for expressing your feelings about race, you've definitely got ur message across

    cassius commented on Colorful


    just as good as the frist 1

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Symptoms 3
    Cremains 0
    Mood Swing 2
    Bloodthirsty Bastard 0
    Echopraxia 0
    Haiku, Take Three 0
    Queen of Heartbreak 1
    Haiku....Part Deux 2
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    Imbrue 1
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    Aint No Man Worth Your Tears 0
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    Here It Goes Again….. 0
    I Love Him So........ 2
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    Sex & Wine 5
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    Every Story Is Two Sided 7
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    Almost Like You're Dead 2
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    Appasionato 1
    Back to Back We Faced Each Other 0
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    Board Game 0
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    Infidelity 5
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    Seperation From Hateration 1
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    What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone 3
    Red Red Wine 1
    Love Late at Night 1
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    And It Felt Like A Dream 2
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