Pool of Tears


  • Other

    Pool of Tears

    Love can be a hurtful feeling
    Although the thought of it might be appealing
    I had a battle with the demons I’m dealing
    But I’m healing
    And I might have to start stealing…
    The heart that matches the one I’ve got
    But sometimes I think I’m not
    And then my body gets hot
    And I think about it a lot
    And I try to go to bed
    Get all the negativity out of my head
    And forget all the stuff he said
    Try and change the life I’ve led
    Stop wishing I was dead
    And redeem myself instead
    For I am strong
    And I’ll sing it in a song
    And make it long
    And there goes my doorbell, ding dong
    Oh my goodness me, it’s him
    And the lights in my house are dim
    The flowers he brought me are ugly to the stem
    And he’s stretched out on a limb…
    That he don’t know I’m about to break
    There is only so much that my heart can take
    And only so much love that it can make
    And only so many orgasms I can fake…
    I have no more fears
    No more lies for my ears
    I’ve wasted too many years
    And I’m not crying him a pool of my tears

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    Lapayne commented on Pool of Tears


    I think that you have written a very interesting piece of poetry. It get's your point across. Nice!

    amber12172 commented on Pool of Tears


    Oh my gosh so far reading your poems i think i like this one the most. It is amazing.

    cliftondurant commented on Pool of Tears


    Love this poem

    frankson03 commented on Pool of Tears


    i really like this poem,, alot u should read mine called, fight.

    Johnny5 commented on Pool of Tears



    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Symptoms 3
    Cremains 0
    Mood Swing 2
    Bloodthirsty Bastard 0
    Echopraxia 0
    Haiku, Take Three 0
    Queen of Heartbreak 1
    Haiku....Part Deux 2
    Haiku 3
    Blood Rains 2
    Imbrue 1
    Letting Off Steam 2
    Aint No Man Worth Your Tears 0
    Paper 0
    Here It Goes Again….. 0
    I Love Him So........ 2
    You Gonna Have To Teach Me.... 0
    Bye. 2
    Sex & Wine 5
    5 Feet Tall 3
    Every Story Is Two Sided 7
    Differences 1
    I Love Him So 0
    Whenever I Cry Again 0
    Touch N' Go 3
    Kookie 0
    Kooke 0
    Tears From An Angel part1 0
    Almost Like You're Dead 2
    Koffee 0
    Appasionato 1
    Back to Back We Faced Each Other 0
    Pouring Water On A Drowning Man 2
    Board Game 0
    How Do You Do It 0
    Hate-Love 0
    Infidelity 5
    She Can Never Be Me 2
    Seperation From Hateration 1
    Pool of Tears 5
    What A Miss 0
    When I Wanted To Leave 3
    What It Feels Like To Be In Love Alone 3
    Red Red Wine 1
    Love Late at Night 1
    Kandy Koated 1
    And It Felt Like A Dream 2
    Chocolate 5
    Go To Bed 0
    Faces 5
    Give 4
    Colorful 6