Tears From An Angel part1


  • Sadness

    Tears From An Angel part1

    Tears From An Angel

    By Shericka Murphy


    In a quiet room, at the end of the hall

    There is a little girl named Simori

    She sits all alone, like a beautiful angel

    And she reads herself a story

    Aloud there she reads

    About a princess and a queen

    Skin like velvet, and pecan brown

    With the most beautiful black eyes ever seen

    At that moment she is happy, but Mostly she is sad

    Five years she has cried heavy tears

    It's the pain that her father has been inflicting on her

    That has made her cry all those years

    She is nine years old, and is always forlorn

    She only laughs and smiles when mother is around

    But when father is in the presence of her angleic aurora

    She does not speak, nor make a sound

    I wonder why mother cannot see the obvious

    She cannot see that something is wrong

    I can't see why she is so blind to this sight

    And it's been visible for so very long

    And when angel is done reading; She sits alone in her room

    And she stares quietly and steadily at the wall

    Then all of a sudden the silence is broken

    By heavy footsteps slowly coming down the hall

    And she knows who is coming, so she decides to hide

    In the closet she sits against the wall

    She tries her best to be silent and still

    She doesn't speak, or move at all

    She is closing her eyes tightly, and breathing very slow

    She can hear the room door slowly opening

    She knows he will find her, and hurt her badly

    But yet she is still wishing and hoping

    But not to her surprise, he steps up to the closet

    And he softly pulls open the door

    He says "Simori, are you hiding from daddy"

    She says "No daddy...not anymore"

    He tells her "Get up off the floor and go over to the bed"

    She does.....and then he gently takes off his and her clothes

    She is careful of her body language at this moment

    If not, then she will suffer from daddy's mighty blows

    When it is all over, she lies on the bed

    She is numb from her chest to her knees

    She looks at her father strait in the eyes

    And she asks "Daddy why do you do this...tell me please"

    He looks at her and says "It's all because I love you angel"

    "It's to make you feel good and not hurt"

    And he gets up and leaves her alone and ashamed

    While mother comes in home late from work.

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    MizBoonie’s Poems (52)

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