You Again


You Again

I look at my phone it says five missed calls. I look at the numbers and my heart begins to fall. IT'S YOU AGAIN!
It's you coming back for more, coming back to hurt me, coming back to even the score!
Everytime you hear that I am moving on, I get your messages and I hear your ring tone.
You come back for just a moment of my time , trying to make me believe that the clock can be re wind.
But this time I will not stumble I will not fall! I will delete the messages. I will not answer the calls!
It is time thst I no longer let you win! It will be a struggle but I will fight to the end!

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Unique28 commented on You Again


i really love this one , its something im going thru now. tryna get the strenegth enough to let go and dont look back. i give it a 10 :)



I am always glad thatmy words can help someone else. It always seems so hard to walk away even when you no it is the best thing to do. Keep strong u can do it........

preshusstones commented on You Again


I love this poem I needed to hear this alog time ago when I was dealing with my ex-husband



Dont they always seem to want to come back just as u start to move on. Glad u where strong

famous commented on You Again


MY daugther is going through this with her ex. boyfriend. He has hurt her in more ways then you can imagine and she is pregnant with his child right now. I want so much more for her and I know that God does too. I will pray for both of you to have peace and joy in your struggles. I really like waht spaudbuddy said. God does love all of us mopre then we ever will know. I wrote some poems about His love check them out it you want.. He will give you stregth if you rely upon HIm.

FLAWLES commented on You Again


Strength comes from life's past mishaps. When we fall, we must recognize how we fell, so we know what not to do to fall again.

passionsdance commented on You Again


I have been there, goin through it now with an ex that wont leave me alone. Be strong and tell that sucka to call someone else . ... good poem

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Just One Day 7
The Nap 3
Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
Out of My Way 2
If I had only Known 2
Sorry 2
It's Time 2
The Spider's Web 5
Weep 2
Losing My Special Friend 1
Just Another Player 4
The Waiting is Over 5
Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
Leave Me Alone 4
Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
For you I am concerned 1
I Will Learn to Love Again 4
Make It All Go Away 0
I Never Wanted 0
Lonely Again 3
Reaching Out 3
My Load 3
Long Hard Stick 24
Free 2
Destiny for us all 3
The Days are Getting Closer 1
This Errie Feeling 0
The Picture 2
I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
Freak Episode 14
My Secret Friend 16
You Again 6
I Can't Anymore 2
Color 4
Pain 6
Wake Me When it's over 5
The Phone 5
Sanity 5
To Make You Understand 9