The Waiting is Over


  • Passion

    The Waiting is Over

    We both got nervous as the days got close. We didn't know what to expect. Would it really be good or just a reject.
    I said my prayer as I borded my plane hoping to meet a great guy not someone who was insane.
    My first time I ever took a chance to meet someone and have a long distance romance.
    The plane touched down and my heart began to beat fast . Was I out of my mind to think this could even last.
    I text him to let him know I had arrived he confessed to me that he was also nervous deep inside.
    I said dont worry it is going to be alright all we need to do is hold each other tight.
    I came out of the airport just as he arrived I looked at him and both our fears went to the side. I slipped into the car with a smile on my face . He reached and took my hand and made everything fall into place.
    The next days where the best days of my life we lived and loved as if we where husband and wife. I was his queen he was my king ,  we did alot of first with alot of things.
    The day I left we both wanted to cry, we met the special person and it was hard to say goodbye.
    But here we are again waiting for that plane. Time is passing slow it's making us insane.
    I will see my baby, my angel , my man.
    Together again hand and hand.

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    kpeery09 commented on The Waiting is Over


    Very Nice, I myself is in a long distance relationship with someone so I know how it is when you miss them and all that and its like I'm still fighting to bring her over to the states but I know that day will be soon. I give you another 10



    To bad to say he turned out to be just another player

    cryptic77 commented on The Waiting is Over


    I knew this was not going to be about me!! lol I am glad that you have found someone,

    Mrpoetry commented on The Waiting is Over


    i am glad you found the man of your dreams........



    But remember you can wake up from a dream

    1990lh commented on The Waiting is Over


    awww very beautiful gucci i'm happy for u and u know who haha i really felt your passion in this great job,



    Thank you I didnt think it was one of my best . I just had to put some emotions down. He is very special to me.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Just One Day 7
    The Nap 3
    Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
    Out of My Way 2
    If I had only Known 2
    Sorry 2
    It's Time 2
    The Spider's Web 5
    Weep 2
    Losing My Special Friend 1
    Just Another Player 4
    The Waiting is Over 5
    Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
    Leave Me Alone 4
    Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
    For you I am concerned 1
    I Will Learn to Love Again 4
    Make It All Go Away 0
    I Never Wanted 0
    Lonely Again 3
    Reaching Out 3
    My Load 3
    Long Hard Stick 24
    Free 2
    Destiny for us all 3
    The Days are Getting Closer 1
    This Errie Feeling 0
    The Picture 2
    I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
    Freak Episode 14
    My Secret Friend 16
    You Again 6
    I Can't Anymore 2
    Color 4
    Pain 6
    Wake Me When it's over 5
    F-ME UP AGAIN 11
    The Phone 5
    Sanity 5
    To Make You Understand 9