If I had only Known


  • Emotional
  • ,
  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    Thinking of Gucci's Hustler

    If I had only Known

    If I had only known that the last time I saw your smiling face, I may never see it again. I would have made you smile longer.
    If I had only know that  the last time you held me in your arms I would never get to feel your skin against mine again............ I would have held you longer and tighter.
    If I had only known....... the last time you kissed me would be the last
    I would have kissed you with more love and passion
    If had known, that i would never get to see you again I would have booked a longer stay and not a weekend flight.
    I guess deep inside I had that feeling but I wanted to pretend it wasn't going to happen.
    If I had only known it would have been this way, I would have never given you my heart.

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    Jodes commented on If I had only Known


    I could tell that you got hurt a lot. We are in the same page too.



    Yea a little burned is not the word for it. Sorry u have to be going threw the same. I just express myself threw my words and rite now Im pass the sad Im angry

    ginga commented on If I had only Known


    gucci. So many go through a situation like the one described. Have no regrets as every new experience brings wisdom. ginga



    Thank you. Just posted some new one's I think u will like

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Just One Day 7
    The Nap 3
    Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
    Out of My Way 2
    If I had only Known 2
    Sorry 2
    It's Time 2
    The Spider's Web 5
    Weep 2
    Losing My Special Friend 1
    Just Another Player 4
    The Waiting is Over 5
    Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
    Leave Me Alone 4
    Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
    For you I am concerned 1
    I Will Learn to Love Again 4
    Make It All Go Away 0
    I Never Wanted 0
    Lonely Again 3
    Reaching Out 3
    My Load 3
    Long Hard Stick 24
    Free 2
    Destiny for us all 3
    The Days are Getting Closer 1
    This Errie Feeling 0
    The Picture 2
    I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
    Freak Episode 14
    My Secret Friend 16
    You Again 6
    I Can't Anymore 2
    Color 4
    Pain 6
    Wake Me When it's over 5
    F-ME UP AGAIN 11
    The Phone 5
    Sanity 5
    To Make You Understand 9