

  • Friendship


    What am I? Is the question people ask. You are not white you are not black.
    I see no line in between. I do wat I do and I say wat I mean!
    With all the world filled with so many colors Why do people chose black and white to feel the pain? Why do they not see that together we have so much to gain?
    I do not feel the hate that is put toward me because I know that the love and unity sets me free.
    I am hated by the white ,the black and the brown because I see no color and I let it be known through out my town.
    My friends know the real me and threw my eyes their is no color they will see.
    So for those of you that hate because of the color of someone's skin, I can only say you are missing out on some great loves and friends!

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    FiloRozzell commented on Color


    That is absolutely true. There are some people that have been taught such stupidity but you are never too old to learn better. There are some people claiming to be born again christians but have issues with color. I have friends in many different colors and if i have been wronged by any it balanced out as not to be a color thing. I love your expression, it is so beautiful when poetry is consisting of that God knows truth.

    Gertrude commented on Color


    Nice! It can go either way. I once had a gun pointed toward me just because I was white and the young man said that point blank. He was clearly upset. I said to him " Before you shoot me because the color of my skin you should no that I truly believe that there is one race and that's the human race. Within that their different nationalites. I don't dislike anyone due to the color of their skin." The young man put the gun down and let me leave. To not be friends with someone due to their

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Just One Day 7
    The Nap 3
    Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
    Out of My Way 2
    If I had only Known 2
    Sorry 2
    It's Time 2
    The Spider's Web 5
    Weep 2
    Losing My Special Friend 1
    Just Another Player 4
    The Waiting is Over 5
    Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
    Leave Me Alone 4
    Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
    For you I am concerned 1
    I Will Learn to Love Again 4
    Make It All Go Away 0
    I Never Wanted 0
    Lonely Again 3
    Reaching Out 3
    My Load 3
    Long Hard Stick 24
    Free 2
    Destiny for us all 3
    The Days are Getting Closer 1
    This Errie Feeling 0
    The Picture 2
    I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
    Freak Episode 14
    My Secret Friend 16
    You Again 6
    I Can't Anymore 2
    Color 4
    Pain 6
    Wake Me When it's over 5
    F-ME UP AGAIN 11
    The Phone 5
    Sanity 5
    To Make You Understand 9