Wake Me When it's over


  • Loss

    Wake Me When it's over

    I feel as if I am dreaming and my deep inside Im screaming! The news came today, it's my brother Wade, he has cancer and soon will pass away. My body went weak , my heart went numb, although I knew it would someday come.
    I can't image him cold as stone. I don't want him to die! I don't want him to go home! My parent's raised all 8 of us to be close. They told us when they where gone we must be there for one another.. But I don't want him to die! I can't lose my brother! So just let me go to sleep till it's all over! I just can't take the pain! Im in the medical field but I can't help him, it's making me insane!
    They say we have to show strength not to let im see us weak. But the only way I know how to do this is to let me go to sleep!
    Wake me when it's over, when he is long gone. Wake me when he is burried and they have played his last song! Wake when his body is cold and under ground. Wake me when there is no more pain around!

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    JCKasper commented on Wake Me When it's over


    Extremely expressive emotions .............. You convey a message that is consuming and powerful. I can relate all too well!

    preshusstones commented on Wake Me When it's over


    Your poems are really heart felt, keep doing what you are doing I am enjoying your poems I really feel them

    FLAWLES commented on Wake Me When it's over


    If we could sleep away our pain, we would never know when we feel good. Prince said, "all good things they say, never last". So, if we want to experience life, we have to take the good with the bad.

    CraigStyle commented on Wake Me When it's over


    I didn't want to lose my Mother! I didn't want her to die! I miss her like no one. I love her like no one. I'm awake and the pain continues.... Yes girl I feel you



    Thank you so much 4 your comments. My mother also died of cancer when she was only 52. It was very hard to let go. I held in my emotions for along time till I could not take it anymore. Almost went crazy. Not sure how to handle this one. Its not fair!

    Wonxxtnz commented on Wake Me When it's over


    poem sux... its so sad i like understand or recognize the angst all to well. but i gave it an eight because its good. i just didnt wanto be reminded of sad. thats was from a time when i got the notion to celebrate death on the count of the life that was live & eternity... life by definition is eternal ....

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
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    The Nap 3
    Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
    Out of My Way 2
    If I had only Known 2
    Sorry 2
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    Weep 2
    Losing My Special Friend 1
    Just Another Player 4
    The Waiting is Over 5
    Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
    Leave Me Alone 4
    Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
    For you I am concerned 1
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    Make It All Go Away 0
    I Never Wanted 0
    Lonely Again 3
    Reaching Out 3
    My Load 3
    Long Hard Stick 24
    Free 2
    Destiny for us all 3
    The Days are Getting Closer 1
    This Errie Feeling 0
    The Picture 2
    I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
    Freak Episode 14
    My Secret Friend 16
    You Again 6
    I Can't Anymore 2
    Color 4
    Pain 6
    Wake Me When it's over 5
    F-ME UP AGAIN 11
    The Phone 5
    Sanity 5
    To Make You Understand 9