The Picture


  • Confusion

    The Picture

    I have been staring at your picture thinking about the things we use to do. Looking at it thinking of all the things we went threw. Was it your fault or was it mine that this picture got left behind.
    Was it left so that it could break my heart everytime I see your smiling face? Or was it by accident that it was left sitting in its place?
    I look it and wonder should I take it down and throw it away? Or should I leave it sitting there as if you where coming back to stay?
    I only no that it makes it hard for me to move on ...when Im always asking myself was it me or you that did each other wrong?Everytime I reach for it and try to put it away , something happens in my heart that lets that picture stay.
    But I can feel it the day is getting close when I can rech for it and no that there is only one place for it to go.
    I'll take it and wrap it tenderly in paper the way your arms use to wrap around me. But only this time the wrapping will finally set me free.

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    rellyrelll commented on The Picture


    this is great this is more like an story and a poem at a same time but what ever it is its great and its the truth i love when poets say what they feel and thats what u felt and in a way i can tell how u felt when u wrote it thats how great your flow is:)



    Thaxs 4 da comment. This is straight from the heart . U will c that I am a free style writter. Sum times I just start typing wat is happening to me in the moment. That is wat makes your best work

    cryptic77 commented on The Picture


    I think that in many ways we have all been here and I know that if you haven't .. you soon will be, but it will take ... to know what needs to be done and hard is easy but right is hard..



    Thanks for your comments. I always enjoy evveryones comments and thoughts

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    GucciGurl’s Poems (40)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Just One Day 7
    The Nap 3
    Little Red Riding Hood/ Gucci Style 6
    Out of My Way 2
    If I had only Known 2
    Sorry 2
    It's Time 2
    The Spider's Web 5
    Weep 2
    Losing My Special Friend 1
    Just Another Player 4
    The Waiting is Over 5
    Time for thr Me to see My Baby 4
    Leave Me Alone 4
    Gucci Pill/ Secret Friend 3 5
    For you I am concerned 1
    I Will Learn to Love Again 4
    Make It All Go Away 0
    I Never Wanted 0
    Lonely Again 3
    Reaching Out 3
    My Load 3
    Long Hard Stick 24
    Free 2
    Destiny for us all 3
    The Days are Getting Closer 1
    This Errie Feeling 0
    The Picture 2
    I Miss My Baby/ Secret Friend 3
    Freak Episode 14
    My Secret Friend 16
    You Again 6
    I Can't Anymore 2
    Color 4
    Pain 6
    Wake Me When it's over 5
    F-ME UP AGAIN 11
    The Phone 5
    Sanity 5
    To Make You Understand 9