Whispers of the Heart


  • Love

    Whispers of the Heart

    Whispers of the Heart


    The song whispers softly, gently the words, goodbye

    Feelings shared, moments so beautiful, tear in my eye

    Caressing your heart, one more moment to kiss the tears

    love we both know, feelings so rare, the joy in these years


    Never have I known or felt a love more beautiful than you

    God blessed you with a love so wonderful, caring and true

    The strength in our weakness exposed for all to know, see

    Two hearts, Love like few can ever find or know to believe


    My darling, my Love, my Heart, my Joy, my Pain, my Soul

    All that we are, can, will and ever be is not ours to control

    Spirits like the wind, touching, blowing, never to ask why

    love so strong, bound in a way there can never be goodbye


    Now fly my Love, so high, so strong, so beautiful, not apart

    FLY with ALL YOU ARE, with YOU goes MY HEART

    Should a day come our way and our desire is one true friend

    Our love will last, never to pass, it is a Love without an End

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

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