Brotherly Love


  • Family

    Brotherly Love



    Our Mom and Dad only had 2 boys, me and Mike

    I’m the oldest, Mike says coldest not the boldest

    thru yearns, toils and turns mutual our concerns

    Family & friends, those we love matters in the end

    Differences at times apart but never in our heart

    Some certainly differentiate how we communicate

    Uncertainty may abound to many in what sounds

    like rivalry at best but it’s our way of being blessed

    the peace of mind we both find when put to the test

    Mike’s disposition, by his own admission, a position

    of positive recognition for what drives his ambition

    real estate is his game for happiness and some fame

    on the top floor so many are knocking on his door

    coming from everywhere not easy sitting in his chair


    As his brother, I feel and see, hopefully objectively

    Who comes and goes, the deals, spiels and the woes

    When his vision is clear Mike has no doubt or fear

    More often then right, than wrong, with his insight

    No illusions or confusions, instinctive his decisions


    Today God helps his stride with an Angel by his side

    As I have often said, Mike needs someone like David

    A balance of sorts as they too enjoy the same sports

    A mix of business in the game, they share the same

    to grow in their mutual aspirations and inspirations

    Founded in trust to understand, this wonderful blend

    mutual belief in their capability & capacity to achieve


    As for me, this old boy now enjoys, as I come and go

    the best in these times is I can rest tween these lines

    The beauty in all the years watching my brother grow

    Wrinkles, we now have plenty and most see to know

    Till the day we leave this earth, what we were at birth

    one to the other, nut’n beats the LOVE of a BROTHER!


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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

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