Heavenly Life


  • Religion

    Heavenly Life

    I am a man, this I be, sometimes lost, sometimes free

    Life isn’t living without a care, is it not why we share

    Like others, I have limits, don’t always count the minutes

    wasting time sometimes in vain yet it helps keep me sane

    Looking back is to no avail, that is for a wishing well

    But memories of those I love fill my senses for God above

    Age is a process I have come to know, the reason why I grow

    To many I should have regrets but isn’t life the way to test

    Why love unconditional is rare but best if I just say I’m blessed

    Now I sit in the twilight of my years, no doubt, no fears

    Knowing God above will look upon all I’ve reaped and sewn

    As if he touches my soul saying words of praise for my days

    On earth will be done when he says to me, my Son


    Come now with me and you will find eternal peace of mind

    A soul will never weary be as long as he takes a path with me

    Your life led you to many trails just as I don’t count the nails

    Pain isn’t because life is easy tho at times you act so breezy

    Others might see what’s inside but from me you can’t hide

    feelings you have with love come from me for do you not see

    The boy in you is the man in me so live my Son and you will be

    Never lost, always free, heart and soul a part of ME

              Never to die but lie in my arms high in love of heaven above

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    Lolee commented on Heavenly Life


    This is written well, and is sweet...but, how do you know this is the way God feels about our lives? Are you really, really sure that He died to take away all of our sins and if we are kind and good that will be all that is required of us? Better find an Apostolic Church my dear friend...find out for sure...times a wastin.



    God lives within the heart that trusts with faith and love. He's as real as the air we breathe.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

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