Love never Dies


Love never Dies

Love never dies

Katherine and I had a son born in 1972, Whitney was his name

The love he gave each of us in his short life will always remain


Many years rest’n gently in my heart & soul with every breath

Thoughts, memories, pain and joy fill the void since his death


Nothing compares to losing a child at such a tender young age

Rips your heart as you question why in your torment and rage


In time you get some peace of mind when you stop ask’n why

acceptance and know’n all he meant in your life will never die


Restore your faith in some way you will see him again one day

When my ashes turn to dust within my faith in heaven I will lay


Katherine as shared is already there holding his hand in love

Waiting for me to know the joy it is to be in heaven up above


The day will come this I believe for God puts us all to the test

It’s the faith you have in all you love giving you eternal rest!

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

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