Taps and the Lone Bugler


Poem Commentary

I'm not sure how to put in a category(s) some of these thoughts I have and put in the form of a poem. There's the love, admiration along with the sadness, death I've known and seen in harms way in service to our country and in the respect for all who have, are and will serve.

Taps and the Lone Bugler

Every time I hear “taps” played, it touches me in so many ways

The lone bugler at the end of the day or a fallen soldiers grave

A call say’n rest you warrior I’m watch’n over you from above

whether the heat of battle or sacrifice you will know God’s love

Each note to give you peace, touch your heart & rest your mind

in what you do and will face as death any place and any time!

Jimmy on Memorial Day, 2012

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
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