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    Poem Commentary

    It's been years now since I rodeo'd but somethings ya never forget!


    Being a bull ride’n rodeo hand takes guts aplenty

    A 2,000 lb rodeo bull shor ain’t buck’n on empty

    He’ll snort in the chute like there’s no tomorrow

    his way of say’n ride’n me is yo’re worse horror


    Ya resin up yo’re rig’n & yo’re grip hand ya pound

    hope’n it’s 8 seconds fore yo’re feet hit the ground

    The quiver of his muscles as yo’re set to straddle

    this ole bull’s back don’t feel nothing like a saddle


    Ya know how he moves like other folks go to schools

    study’n his ways & hope’n he don’t change the rules

    heart’s a pump’n & pound’n ready to nod yo’re head

    know’n when that gate opens all he wants is you dead


    8 seconds seems long as yo’re ride’em in this arena

    with all his buck’n turn’n twist’n or being a spinner

    Ya try & make quick adjustments to his every move

    to maintain rhythm balance like stay’n in a groove


    It ain’t all just muscle that makes him tough to ride

    those muscles are covered with a rolling kinda hide

    head is with or without the horns harder than a brick

    kick’n hind legs so high throw’n ya forward is a trick


    Put’n a horn to yo’re head can leave ya see’n stars

    then the lights go out & he’s send’n ya toward Mars

    That’s when yo’re shor nuff thankful for them clowns

    work’n to keep him from pound’n ya into the ground


    So when ya go to a rodeo to watch a bullride’ n man

    risks he’ll take for you folks sit’n in the grandstand

    ya realize it ain’t all about the money in what he does

    aches & pains he endures is because of what he loves!

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What's in Being a Friend 0
    Taps and the Lone Bugler 0
    Bull'n'Ride'n 0
    Heart of a Warrior 0
    A Tender Touch 0
    Love never Dies 0
    The Heart of a Cowboy 1
    A Miss in the KISS 0
    Moments 0
    Whispers of the Heart 0
    Thoughts 1
    FUNdling your Balls! 3
    HEARaSEE 1
    Living 1
    Life and Depth 0
    Brotherly Love 0
    DADly Dumb 2
    Above & Below 2
    Heavenly Life 1
    Texas Hold'em 0