Above & Below


Above & Below

Our window of love comes from above

open it shall always be

Our eyes abound to every sound

the chorus we can see

Our ears bright with every sight

our spirit sets us free


Whisper of the wind oh so gentle blow

the night air taking our cares

to those hearts below

Sunlight in their hair too they will rise

Oh you up there beckon as they call

So they say in their own way

can we bear to rise with every fall?



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Lolee commented on Above & Below


This is lovely Jimmy. I like your style. ......................



Thank you very much.

badgerbutterfly commented on Above & Below


Love This One!!!, Inspires me to do Better in everything I do.. Keep up th Good Work...How Long have you been Writing?



thank you for the compliment & I've written poetry off & on for years.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
Title Comments
What's in Being a Friend 0
Taps and the Lone Bugler 0
Bull'n'Ride'n 0
Heart of a Warrior 0
A Tender Touch 0
Love never Dies 0
The Heart of a Cowboy 1
A Miss in the KISS 0
Moments 0
Whispers of the Heart 0
Thoughts 1
FUNdling your Balls! 3
Living 1
Life and Depth 0
Brotherly Love 0
DADly Dumb 2
Above & Below 2
Heavenly Life 1
Texas Hold'em 0