What's in Being a Friend


  • Friendship

    What's in Being a Friend

    People we Texans call Folks, some are funny, some are jokes

    in life as love, ya take’em for what they’re worth in the pokes

    Some ya can’t help but forget, others will never be forgotten

    might have come to know’em in yo’re hometown grow’n up

    Meet some in your life sharing something like coffee in a cup

    However ya came to know’em ain’t so much in what matters

    It’s in ways they come to your mind in life’s spits & splatters

    regardless of how or why it mighta started in the beginning

    they gave ya some’n of mean’n & value that’s never ending!


    We all share a hanker’n for make’n and have’n good friends

    Someone who listens & cares for ya thru life’s twists & bends

    A special person ya can share laughter, joy, happiness at times

    They are like warmth in yo’re soul in how they make it shine

    times of sadness, frustration or illness they’ll be by yo’re side

    Even if in some ways things ya sorta feel ya might wanna hide

    but there’s this kind of unspoken bond that will never go away

    Transcend’n time & distance even if ya may not talk every day

    What matters most is know’n they are with ya thru thick & thin

    And that folks are the real facts in What’s in being a FRIEND!

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    jimmymc600’s Poems (21)

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