Fire ant on Rampage...


Poem Commentary

Stuck on the road with nothing else to do but bitch and complain on this stupid God forsaken evil dumb phone!!!

Fire ant on Rampage...

So I'm a piss poor ant,
can't afford to breath or dance.
Stranded on the road,
In a truck that has a pretty hefty load.

Ran outta gas at 2:20 am,
With my precious daughter sleeping on my lap.
Battery could die at any time,
Have no one to call,
Don't even have a single dime,
And all this is a crime.

Truck is packed full of a ton of stuff, 
Life has treated us pretty darn rough,
Have an apt but been moving all over hell,
It seems there's no end to this truth i tell... 

Didn't pay my bills so I can't get my mail,
License is there and not on me so I could go to jail!

There's no use to keep waisting battery for 4 ways,
Cuz all people care about is themselves.
They don't dare to care about anyone else,

God forbid it might take 10 minutes outta their day,
To help a piss poor ant with a child stranded in the night.
On a major highway without a car in sight,
I hate living this way we shouldn't even be out this late!

We should have a home and a bed, our own little place.
A home for us & some animals & a nice big yard to play.
I shouldn't have to worry about working for perverts, 
And ruining our lives & digging myself so far in the dirt.

I've asked for a chance from a few different churches,
But I'm not foreign or colored enuf
to benifit for their worth!!

So what is a poor piss ant to do with a child to raise,
But no job or pot to piss in or place to stay??
I wonder what a white single mother is to do??
All i want is for my daughter & i to have a normal life too?

A rich person can't help a poor piss ant God forbid,
But they can cheat taxes, get breaks and spoil their kids!

My poor child hasn't even had a birthday party,
Or celebrated any holiday really in at least 3 yrs now!😭

Poor kid didn't even have a Christmas, not even a tree!!
No stocking, no dinner, no turkey, no nothing!!😭🤔😭

Had I'd a known being truthful and working hard,
Was going to bring me where I am at this moment?
I woulda followed all my idiot friends to the bar!!

They all have homes & families & can afford vacations,
But me and my child NOPE NOTHING NOTHING AT ALL!

I should be an immigrant & then climb over the wall,
At least then someone would feel sorry for my brown ass,
And I'd get it all homes, money, cars, businesses,
Careers, fancy vacations and free assistance🤔🤑!!

My dreams would come true & it wouldn't cost me a dime,
And I wouldn't speak English or know how-to tell time!! 

But that wouldn't matter cuz I'd be a foreigner,
in another country living the immigrant dream🤑
All on the Americans hard earned berries and cream😂!!

And I could then laugh at all the Americans,
for supporting my poor brown ass;
while they pay my taxes😂🤣😂!!!

How I wish, how i wish, i was here illegally,
From another country so other people can support me..

A little off track there, but now 37 cars have gone by,
Not one selfish moron will stop to help?? WHY??!!!!

But the mice has come out to say hi & help themselves,
From the food I just bought for ourselves,
They don't give a damn either just fricking free loaders!!

I'm white, I'm single, I'm homeless with alotta crap, 
I'm jobless, I'm clueless and I hate being a poor piss ant!!

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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Worthless’s Poems (108)

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